Reducing toxic chemicals

Ecology enforces state regulations on toxic chemicals in products, educates the public about these chemicals, and develops policies to reduce or eliminate the use of toxic chemicals whenever possible.
Ecology enforces state regulations on toxic chemicals in products, educates the public about these chemicals, and develops policies to reduce or eliminate the use of toxic chemicals whenever possible.

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105 results.

Partnerships fuel removal of toxic tires from Washington’s waters
Removing waste tires from Washington's waters is a complex, long-term issue. But we can start tackling parts of the problem now. Learn about two of our grant recipients working on tire removal.
We’re on the move: Launching the next Safer Products for Washington phase
We’re gearing up to develop rules for the first Safer Products for Washington cycle, and we hope you will continue to be involved.
Su lugar en la mesa de Productos más Seguros de Washington
Los Departamentos de Ecología y Salud están combinando esfuerzos para reducir sustancias toxicas en productos al consumidor, bajo el programa Productos más Seguros de Washington.
Your seat at the Safer Products for Washington table
Nearly 400 people filled out the Safer Products for Washington survey, and 95% of those people said yes, I am concerned about harmful chemicals in consumer products.
Help us tackle our new plan to reduce exposure to phthalates
Ecology is working with stakeholders to make a plan to reduce exposure to phthalates, and we need your input.
Tackling Toxics: A lasting tribute to a pollution prevention champion
Facilities are often interested in eliminating toxics — but employee buy-in is a critical requirement. That’s where Dr. Wolf and her team at PPRC come in.
Our work to rid schools and buildings of hazardous PCBs
Few would argue there are higher priorities than protecting children. We want to see that protection extended to those who work in the places where they spend vast amounts of time: schools.
"Everyday chemicals” found at the bottom of Puget Sound
Our Marine Sediment Monitoring Team spent almost a decade sampling the muck under Puget Sound to measure chemical contaminants. Here's what they found.
30 Years of Toxics Reduction and Pollution Prevention
As of 2021, Ecology's Hazardous Waste and Toxics Reduction Program has been working on pollution prevention for over 30 years.
You can help make products safer from toxics
Did you know there are thousands of chemicals in consumer products that scientists never tested for potential harms? The good news is our Safer Products for WA program is doing something about it.