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Mercury in retrograde: Tracking down a toxic threat
Cleaning up mercury contamination and getting mercury out of the environment has been a priority at Ecology for decades
Reynolds Smelter Cleanup/Millennium Bulk Terminals - Longview Update
There's a lot happening at the former Reynolds smelter site in Cowlitz County's industrial area this autumn.
Cleaning Up: Welcome to ‘the Neighborhood’ – Part 2
Last week, we shared the new What's In My Neighborhood mapping tool that allows users to search for polluted properties across Washington. We received a variety of responses via Facebook.
Around the Sound: Changes already obvious during Port Gamble Bay cleanup
Cleanup work in and around Port Gamble Bay didn't start until late September, but already the changes are striking.
Mercury waning: Online oversight reduces sales of devices containing toxic metal
Mercury is a neurotoxin that Washington banned in 2003. To ensure retailers don't sell mercury-containing items to Washingtonians, our product testing staff buys and tests products for compliance.
Bellingham community comes together to celebrate environmental cleanup
This summer, the Bellingham community is getting a little bit closer to having a revitalized waterfront.
Around the Sound: A great day at the bay!
The Port Gamble Klallam Tribe held an amazing blessing ceremony today for a coming, major cleanup of in-water sediments in the bay.
Around the Sound: Moving ahead in Port Gamble
A major cleanup in Port Gamble Bay will launch in the coming weeks and months.
Around the Sound: Custom work earns kudos
The stunning transformation of a toxic old mill site in Anacortes is getting some well-deserved attention, and not just from community members.
Cleaning Up: How dredging is cleaning up Ridgefield’s Lake River
This year, Ecology and the Port of Ridgefield have been using advanced cleanup techniques to remove pollution at the Pacific WoodTreating cleanup site.