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77 results.
Western Port Angeles Harbor cleanup is moving forward
We are holding a comment period and public meeting for the Western Port Angeles Harbor cleanup site in Port Angeles.
New grant program aims to restore, protect Puget Sound riparian areas
We are launching new grant program to make Puget Sound riparian areas more resilient to climate change.
Expanding air monitoring for the 2024 wildfire season
Ecology is expanding air monitoring across the state in response to wildfire smoke.
Big investments boost Washington's coastal resiliency
New $73.6 million federal grant helps tackle coastal climate-related threats.
Proposed Port Angeles pilot project seeks to test technology to pull harmful carbon dioxide out of the air
A pilot project proposed in Port Angeles is designed to test a new approach to removing carbon pollution.
Can’t beat the VEAT!
Knowing the number of vessels entering Washington waters helps us better understand oil spill risk and how it changes over time. This year marks the 30th anniversary of our VEAT report!
World Wetlands Day
It's World Wetlands Day help us celebrate by learning more about Wetlands and how we're protecting them.
Grant to help build coastal climate resilience
We received an $850,000 grant to support an innovative partnership to build climate resiliency in Washington's coastal areas.
Looking for water right documents?
We've streamlined how we post water right documents and decisions. Our new online portal has most documents in one location for each of our four regions