Water quality

Ecology is responsible for keeping Washington waters clean and helping polluted waters recover.
Ecology is responsible for keeping Washington waters clean and helping polluted waters recover.

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185 results.

Native plants take root along Hangman Creek

Hangman Creek sees largest riparian restoration effort in Spokane County’s history.

Permit updates focus on cleaner stormwater for growing communities

Review Ecology's proposed changes to the municipal stormwater permits for the state's most populated cities and counties.

Lower Duwamish Waterway reaches cleanup milestone

We’ve made solid progress on controlling sources of pollution in one reach of the Lower Duwamish Waterway. Ecology is recommending EPA proceed with cleanup at all but one sediment area.

New report explores nutrient trading in Puget Sound

Join our virtual Puget Sound Nutrient Forum on July 25 for a presentation on nutrient trading in Puget Sound. 

Investing in cleaner water by the millions (of dollars)
We fund hundreds of water quality projects each year — look back at recent projects to learn more about what is possible with clean water grants and loans.
“Watershed” moment: successes in wetland restoration and regenerative farming in Douglas County
With grant funds from Ecology, the Foster Creek Conservation District is working on a new round of projects to restore the watershed, monitor water quality, and improve soil health near Foster Creek.
Join our June 21 webinar about toxic tire dust
Join our June 21 6PPD webinar. Learn more about 6PPD by watching our video presentations in advance.
Headed out on your boat? Pump out your sewage, don't let it float!
Planning some time on your boat as summer kicks off? Here’s the last of our water-related reminders: don’t empty your boat’s holding tank into Puget Sound or inland waters.
Headed to a lake or river today? Look out for blooming harmful algae!
Once again, it is time to keep an eye out for harmful algae (cyanobacteria) blooms in Washington lakes and rivers. As the weather heats up, these blooms can happen, especially in late summer and fall.
Headed to the beach? Check for poop before you stick in your feet!
Check our safe swimming map for beach advisories and closures. Help us keep poop off the beach.