
We regulate well construction to ensure safe drinking water, protect water resources, and provide minimum standards for the drilling industry.
We regulate well construction to ensure safe drinking water, protect water resources, and provide minimum standards for the drilling industry.

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11 results.

Drought update: water supply in the Yakima Basin and what it means for you

If you live in the Yakima Basin, you know things are looking hot and dry with the irrigation season well under way. Here’s what you need to know about the drought and what it means for your water.

Getting clean drinking water to the Lower Yakima Valley

We're partnering with local and state agencies to reduce nitrate contamination in the Lower Yakima Valley. Here's what you need to know if your well is impacted.

Plans for Nooksack adjudication are underway

Plans for water rights adjudication in the Nooksack Basin have raised a lot of questions. We have answers.

No dioxin found in Lower Yakima Valley groundwater
After two years of testing drinking water wells in the Lower Yakima Valley, Ecology has found no evidence of dioxin contamination. Our results provide reassuring data about drinking water safety.
Water Law 101: Episode 1
Once a month, hydrogeologist Mike Gallagher explains Washington water law. This month he explains water rights.
Clean & safe water for communities
This summer, scientists plan to sample 170 wells as part of the larger effort to address elevated nitrate in the Lower Yakima Valley.
Cleaning up: An update to the Landsburg Mine site cleanup plan
We're proposing changes to the cleanup plan for the Landsburg Mine site to enable response, if needed, if monitoring detects 1,4 dioxane above action levels.
Bi-state partnership boosts understanding of Walla Walla River basin
Ecology is working with Oregon Water Resources and USGS on a comprehensive study of groundwater in the Walla Walla River Basin. This solid science will help inform future policy in the region.
Partnering on safe well water in the Lower Yakima Valley
Recently, an independent advocacy group shared with us a study identifying several chemicals in groundwater that caught our attention.
Watch your step: there’s not always solid ground beneath you
It's nice to be outside in this lovely fall weather, unless the ground gives out from under you and you find yourself looking up at those blue skies from the bottom of an abandoned water well.

Showing 1 - 10 of 11 results.