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216 results.
Colville River Valley community helps make wood stove turn-in a success
Thanks to our wood stove reduction program, 141 old wood stoves were decommissioned at the Stevens County Landfill on Sunday, May 24, 2022.
Environmental restoration grants reach across state
We are awarding nearly $640,000 to fund 15 projects that will significantly improve water quality and the environment statewide.
Su lugar en la mesa de Productos más Seguros de Washington
Los Departamentos de Ecología y Salud están combinando esfuerzos para reducir sustancias toxicas en productos al consumidor, bajo el programa Productos más Seguros de Washington.
Your seat at the Safer Products for Washington table
Nearly 400 people filled out the Safer Products for Washington survey, and 95% of those people said yes, I am concerned about harmful chemicals in consumer products.
Ecology welcomes public to offices
On March 21, Ecology no longer requires appointments to visit offices.
It’s dust storm season
Dust storms can occur in Central and Eastern Washington every spring through fall. Here are some quick tips to help keep you safe.
Walla Walla Water 2050 enters Phase Two
Both sides of the WA and OR border who call the Walla Walla watershed home are embarking on a new phase to bolster water supplies, now and in years to come.
Help us tackle our new plan to reduce exposure to phthalates
Ecology is working with stakeholders to make a plan to reduce exposure to phthalates, and we need your input.
Celebrating Women and Girls in Science Day
Women and Girls in Science Day provides an opportunity to spotlight the importance of women in STEM. We're sharing insights from a few women at Ecology working in environmental science.
Tackling Toxics: A lasting tribute to a pollution prevention champion
Facilities are often interested in eliminating toxics — but employee buy-in is a critical requirement. That’s where Dr. Wolf and her team at PPRC come in.