We value receiving comments from the public and regulated community we serve. A comment can express support, disagreement, or give general information related to a project. Public input helps us in the work we do and gives us more information to make our regulatory decisions.
Tips and instructions to help you submit comments to Ecology
Identify the title of the project and/or document you are providing comments on.
Reference the section or specific text of the document whenever possible.
Be concise but support your comments. Explain why you agree or disagree; suggest alternatives.
Please describe your expected impacts of complying with the requirements proposed in this project, and changes in how you operate or do business?
Examples help us understand your comment.
Please provide references or other supporting documentation in support of your comments when appropriate and available.
Submit your comment following the instructions and by the deadline announced.
If your organization wants to submit comments for your members, we strongly encourage you and your members to use our online comment form. Comment forms are created for most projects where we are accepting comments. Using our comment form helps our staff review and respond to comments more effectively. Comments that are sent as an email have to be individually saved as a PDF and our staff has to upload each comment to the online comment system.
To most effectively comment, please choose from the following three options:
Provide example text for your members on your organization's website and provide a link to our online comment form. Your members can simply copy and paste the example text into our comment form. This would allow members to use the text you provide, while also giving them the opportunity to personalize their message.
Compile comments from your members and paste them into this Excel spreadsheet. For each row, list the name of the person and their comment(s). (See Excel for an example of how to fill-in the Excel template.) One Name and Comment(s) per row. For example, Row 1: Joe Dell – I would like to see the following….and further more…also please consider. (See example below.)
Submit a signed comment letter along with a printed list of names of people signing the letter (handwritten signatures are hard to read). Do not submit duplicate letters for each person – one letter with multiple signatures will work
We are very interested in helping people who are coordinating large volume comments. Please contact the project lead if you have any questions.
Image of the Excel spreadsheet you can use to submit comments from one organization for many commenters.
What happens after the comment period
Although each program may have a different process for how responsiveness summaries are provided, Ecology's environmental programs are committed to reviewing your comments.