Regulations & Permits

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We oversee many state and federal laws designed to protect Washington's land, air, and water. See our laws, rules, & rulemaking page for more information about our current rules and rulemaking.

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Regulations & Permits

Use this portal to filter and search for all of our regulatory information.

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We oversee many state and federal laws designed to protect Washington's land, air, and water. See our laws, rules, & rulemaking page for more information about our current rules and rulemaking.

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Tigerfloc Functional Equivalency
Ecology finds Tigerfloc functionally equivalent to the flocculent chemicals identified in Best Management Practice C250 (Construction Stormwater Chemical Treatment) for stormwater management. Contractors may use Tigerfloc as a replacement for other approved chemicals such as ChitoSan Acetate when operating an enhanced sand filtration system on construction sites.
Track Clean™ Construction Entrance Plates Functional Equivalency
Ecology finds Track Clean™ Construction Entrance Plates can be used as a temporary erosion control mechanism. These plates must adhere to the guidelines of Best Management Practice C105 (Stabilized Construction Entrance) for stormwater control.
Wet Sep
Letter showing Wet Sep functional equivalence.
Sections 210 & 310 Work Group Agenda - July 7, 2015
Sections 210 & 310 Work Group Agenda - July 7, 2015
Definitions Work Group Notes - February 3, 2015
Definitions Work Group Notes - February 3, 2015
Diamond Track Environmental Trackout Mat
Letter that determined to be functionally equivalent to BMP C105: Stabilized Construction Entrance
StrataCell and StrataVault Functional Equivalencies
Ecology finds the StrataCell and StrataVault systems are functionally equivalent to a bioretention facility when used for treating stormwater.
Washington State Oil and Hazardous Materials Cleanup Contractors
List of contractors and facilities providing oil and hazmat cleanup in Washington.
Oil spill drill checklist
Checklist outlines the National Preparedness components to be demonstrated in oil spill drills, over a three year period of time.
Out-of-state oil spill drill credit guidance
Contains the instructions when you approved for seek credit for an oil spill drill held in other states.
Oil spill drill self-certification guidance
Contains the instructions when you are approved to self-certify an oil spill drill, or provide documentation for incidents/unannounced drills.
Oil spill prevention recommendations
Specific recommendations made to parties involved in oil spills
A User's Guide to Compost: The Beauty of Your Lawn and Garden Blossoms from the Soil
A composting guide aimed at homeowners.
Building Soil: Guidelines and Resources for Implementing Soil Quality and Depth BMP T5.13
Best management practices for composting and soil management.
SWAC guidance document
An overview of guidance for local Solid Waste Advisory Committees
Washington State Composted Materials for 2015
A document listing composting facilities in Washington, the types of materials they accept and the amount of material they processed in 2015.
Tire carrier businesses list
This is a regularly updated list of tire carrier businesses in Washington.
Northwest region Washington 2018 litter statistics
This document covers 2018 litter recovery statistics for Washington's northwest region.
Southwest region Washington litter statistics 2018
This document lists 2018 litter recovery statistics for Washington's southwest region.
Retail authorization letter template
This is a template authorization letter that organizations can use for outreach to retailers about participating in Washington's Secure Loads campaign to cut litter.
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