Regulations & Permits
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We oversee many state and federal laws designed to protect Washington's land, air, and water. See our laws, rules, & rulemaking page for more information about our current rules and rulemaking.
Fire Mountain Farms biosolids hearing presentation
Hearing presentation from the 2020 Fire Mountain Farms proposal to land apply biosolids at five sites in Lewis county
Fire Mountain Farms biosolids hearing presentation script
Hearing presentation script from the 2020 Fire Mountain Farms proposal to land apply biosolids at five sites in Lewis county
200922am NWIW hearing
Sept. 22 a.m. NWIW hearing transcript
Steps in the state environmental review process for a draft EIS
WA DFW Request for TDG Short-term Mod
This is a letter from the WA Dept. of Fish and Wildlife requesting Ecology to adjust its total dissolved gas standards on the lower Snake and Columbia rivers.
SEPA DS and Scoping Notice Template Word Version
SEPA Determination of Significance and Scoping Notice Template Word Version
SEPA's Flexible Tools for Project level Review
Description of Planning level SEPA reviews that provide streamlined project-level SEPA
Second SEIS Kalama SEPA notice
The SEPA notice that Ecology will conduct a second Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement.
Greenhouse Gas Assessment for Projects (GAP) Rulemaking June 2020 Presentation
Public webinar presentation given 6-25-20
Greenhouse Gas Assessment for Projects (GAP) Rulemaking June 2020 Meeting Summary
Meeting summary for 6-25-20 public rulemaking webinar
Notification letter Second SEIS
A letter notifying the applicants of Ecology's decision to conduct a second Supplemental Impact Statement for the proposed Kalama methanol facility.
Department of Ecology Environmental Review/SERP Determinations for SRF Funded Projects
Ecology will review all SERP packages before financing a project. Ecology’s SERP Determinations will be posted on this website. Please direct any comments or questions about the projects listed here to Liz Ellis, Environmental Review Coordinator at (360) 407-6429 or
Greenhouse Gas Assessment for Projects (GAP) Rulemaking July 2020 Presentation
Public webinar presentation given 7-23-20
Greenhouse Gas Assessment for Projects (GAP) Rulemaking July 2020 Meeting Summary
Meeting summary for 7-23-20 public rulemaking webinar
Greenhouse Gas Assessment for Projects (GAP) Rulemaking August 2020 Presentation
Public webinar presentation given 8-27-20
Greenhouse Gas Assessment for Projects (GAP) Rulemaking August 2020 Meeting Summary
Meeting summary for 8-27-20 public rulemaking webinar
Greenhouse Gas Assessment for Projects (GAP) Rulemaking November 2020 Presentation
Public webinar presentation given 11-17-20
Greenhouse Gas Assessment for Projects (GAP) Rulemaking November 2020 Meeting Summary
Meeting summary for 11-17-20 public rulemaking webinar
Draft GAP Rule Conceptual Framework for Informal Review
This document provides a narrative description of the concepts being used to draft the GAP rule. It includes changes to the initial ideas presented by the Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) in five public webinars from June to November 2020, based on public input and feedback. This document provides information as of the time of release for informal comment.
DRAFT Chapter 173-339 WAC Cosmetic Products Restrictions
This is the draft rule language for Chapter 173-339 WAC Cosmetic Products Restrictions.
88 results
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