Regulations & Permits

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We oversee many state and federal laws designed to protect Washington's land, air, and water. See our laws, rules, & rulemaking page for more information about our current rules and rulemaking.

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Regulations & Permits

Use this portal to filter and search for all of our regulatory information.

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We oversee many state and federal laws designed to protect Washington's land, air, and water. See our laws, rules, & rulemaking page for more information about our current rules and rulemaking.

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BMP Supplies Spring Berm
This letter determines that the Best Management Practices Supplies Spring Berm is functionally equivalent to the C207 (Check Dam) and C208 (Triangular Silt Dike) Best Management Practices.
Rulemaking Proposal (WAC 173-201A) 01/08/15
This is a rulemaking proposal (CR-102) for WAC 173-201A Water quality standards for surface waters of the state of Washington.
Rulemaking Announcment 12-03 (WAC 173-201A) 9/13/12
This is a rulemaking announcement (CR-101) for WAC 173-201A Water quality standards for surface waters of the state of Washington.
Brentwood StormTank Modeling
Modeling report using the Western Washington Hydrology Model to size Brentwood StormTank for stormwater runoff and flow control.
Summary of Changes
Summary of Changes to the 2018 EWA Stormwater Manual
Rulemaking Announcement (WAC 173-230) 06/22/18
This is a rulemaking announcement (CR-101) for WAC 173-230
AO16-07 EPA Approval Tech Support Doc
This is the technical support document that goes with the EPA Approval Letter.
Rulemaking proposal (WAC 173-230) 03/12/19
This is a rulemaking proposal (CR-102) for WAC 173-230 Wastewater Operator Certification
Summary of WWHM2012 updates
This is a summary of all of the updates to the 2012 model from the WWHM3
Rulemaking Announcement 11-08 (WAC 173-201A) 9/13/12
This is a rulemaking announcement (CR-101) for WAC 173-201A Water quality standards for surface waters of the state of Washington.
Goldendale Energy Storage Project Section 401 water quality certification
On May 22, 2023, Ecology notified Rye Development that it issued a water quality certification for the Goldendale project.
Preliminary draft toxics language and toxics table (WAC 173-201A) 9/30/14
This is the Preliminary draft toxics language and toxics table with footnotes at WAC 173-201A-240 for WAC 173-201A Water quality standards for surface waters of the state of Washington.
VIS System for Stormwater runoff filtration
We find the VIS system functionally equivalent to a bioretention planter or planter box.
Rulemaking proposed language (WAC 173-230) 03/12/19
This is proposed rule language for WAC 173-230
Rulemaking Adoption Notice (WAC 173-201A) 1/23/19
This is a rulemaking adoption (CR-103) for WAC 173-201A Recreational Use Critera
Summary Changes Addendum Chapter 173-230
This is a document that summarizes the changes in the rule language to help crosswalk from the old rule language
Rulemaking Proposed Language for Chapter 173-201A WAC, Water Quality Standards for Surface Waters of the State of Washington
This is the proposed rule language for Chapter 173-201A WAC, Water Quality Standards for Surface Waters of the State of Washington
Stromwater Manual Handout 4
UIC guidance for the stormwater manual meeting.
Clima Cover
Letter verifying that ClimaCover All Weather Protective Systems can be used as an alternative to sandbags in stormwater control.
Preliminary draft SBEIS (WAC 173-201A) 9/30/14
This is the preliminary draft small business economic impact statement for WAC 173-201A Water quality standards for surface waters of the state of Washington.
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