Soil Safety Program

Arsenic and lead in play-area soil can pose a risk to children. We provide free soil sampling and soil safety actions for play areas within the program service area (see map for boundary). We sample public and private schools, licensed childcares, parks, camps, and multi-family public housing.

Are you starting a new childcare facility?

Under WAC 110-300-0400, the Department of Children, Youth and Families (DCYF) requires childcare facilities located in Ecology’s Soil Safety Program Service Area to sign up for arsenic and lead soil evaluation as part of the licensing process. 

The Soil Safety Program Service Area is limited to Vashon-Maury Island in King County and western Pierce County. Ecology does not evaluate childcares in mainland King County, nor in Thurston County. A map of the current Soil Safety Program Service Area can be found below.

If you are opening a childcare, you can use this interactive map to find out if you are in the program service area. Follow the instructions below to learn what you need to do to satisfy the lead and arsenic evaluation agreement requirement:

  1. Enter your address into the address bar in the upper left of the map.

  2. Review the message box in the lower left of the map.

    • If your property is located within the Soil Safety Program Service Area, please contact for further assistance. 

    • If your property is not located within the Soil Safety Program Service Area, save a screenshot of the page, including the message box, and share with your DCYF licensing agent. 

Questions? Call Ecology at 360-407-7688 ext. 2

For parents

Soil sampling and safety actions completed

  • Soil sampling: We have sampled over 1,200 existing play areas in collaboration with local health departments in King, Pierce, and Thurston counties.

  • Soil safety actions: We found over 150 play areas with elevated arsenic or lead. We've performed safety actions on 90 percent of them. Example soil safety actions:

    • Removing and replacing soil

    • Covering soil with wood chips or gravel

    • Placing signs

Soil safety program boundary

Map of the Soil Safety Program Boundary. The Soil Safety Program covers Vashon-Maury Island in King County and west of the I-5 corridor through Pierce County to the Thurston County border. 

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