New Legend Little Klickitat River spill near Goldendale
A New Legend semi truck left Highway 97 and ruptured both saddle tanks and engine releasing all the fuel and motor oil onto the river bank and into the river.
Summary information
Hwy 97, milepost 15 (at Hanging Rock Road), North of Goldendale, WA

New Legend semi truck rolled over on the river bank.
Status updates
January 4, 2012
Soil cleanup is ongoing today at the site of a semi truck accident where approximately 250 gallons of diesel fuel and engine oil spilled onto the river bank and into the Little Klickitat River along Highway 97.
Ecology is on the scene again today where a contractor is using a backhoe to excavate soil that has been contaminated with the diesel and oil.
A unified command with the Washington Department of Transportation, the Yakama Nation, and Ecology, is coordinating the response and making cleanup decisions.
The truck, owned by New Legend Trucking, overturned onto the riverbank, causing the spill. New Legend hired the National Response Corp. (NRC) to conduct the cleanup work. NRC is removing soil and collecting diesel and oil in absorbent boom and pads placed at the water’s edge. Soil will be hauled to a special disposal facility where it is treated and disposed.
The truck, the truck’s trailer and its contents, were pulled up and hauled off on Tuesday, giving cleanup crews better access to the soil.
Once cleanup is done, NRC will start work to restore the streamline and the riverbank to their natural state.
January 3, 2012
A New Legend semi truck left Highway 97 at 1 p.m. on January 3, 2012. The truck ruptured both saddle tanks and engine releasing all the fuel and motor oil onto the river bank and into the river.
Unified Command has formed consisting of Ecology, the Yakama Nation, and the Washington Department of Transportation.
A cleanup contractor has been hired (NRC Environmental Services) and is on scene. Protective sweep and oil pads have been placed and preparations are being made for removal of the truck.