Nuclear waste oversight
Our Nuclear Waste Program oversees cleanup at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation near Richland, Washington. The site produced plutonium for military defense between 1943 and 1989, and later served as a storage facility for other radioactive wastes. Today, Hanford is one of the most complex and toxic cleanup sites in the nation. Our role is to regulate cleanup efforts. We also regulate several other mixed waste (which includes both dangerous and radioactive waste) sites in Washington and the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard. Learn what we're doing to keep dangerous and radioactive cleanup on track, and communities and the environment safe.
Hanford cleanup
Our Nuclear Waste Program oversees mixed dangerous and radioactive waste cleanup at Hanford.
Public comment periods
We provide information and supporting documents for public comment periods about cleanup at Hanford.
Radioactive waste disposal
We oversee other sites in Washington with mixed waste that aren't part of the Hanford cleanup.
Permits that direct our Nuclear Waste Program
Permits allow us to regulate Hanford cleanup and oversee other Washington sites with mixed waste.
Natural resources protection
Hanford Site cleanup helps protect natural resources.