Risk MAP for homeowners

Ecology leads floodplain management for Washington. We provide technical assistance to local communities to help them better plan within the floodplain. We work to reduce losses to life and property, and protect the natural environmental functions and values of floodplains.

The Risk MAP (Mapping, Assessment and Planning) program works for Washington’s local communities. As the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) revises flood maps in your area, we work directly with your local government to provide tools and expertise to better manage flood risk.

We mainly work with your local government, though we can also assist you personally. We can help you determine if you live in a floodplain, understand how changes to your local flood map can affect your flood insurance, and learn how to reduce your personal risk.

Is my home in a floodplain?

It is critical that you start by contacting your local government to understand local regulations regarding floodplains.

View your floodplain online

If your county does not currently have a Risk MAP project, you can still use our interactive Coastal Atlas to view currently-adopted FEMA flood maps or those scheduled to be adopted. These maps can tell you if your home is currently in a floodplain. Once you view your community floodplain map, you can click the map for local contact information. Your local government contact should be able to help you better understand your floodplain map.

If you still have questions after contacting your local government, we can answer technical questions about FEMA flood maps and supporting data. We have regional floodplain specialists who can answer questions about how the National Flood Insurance Program and local government regulations affect you.

Why is my flood map being updated?

Flooding is the most costly and preventable natural disaster in Washington. Flood hazards are dynamic and change over time. FEMA is the national agency responsible for flood insurance studies and flood mapping. We are responsible for helping Washington communities manage floodplains.

As part of our duties, we partner with FEMA to determine where to update flood maps. We prioritize flood map revisions based on the age of a community’s current map, whether the information is still accurate, and whether your area is growing with new development. See Washington’s watershed flood risk portfolio to understand how we prioritize flood hazard mapping statewide.

Where are the current projects in Washington?

If your county has a Risk MAP project, then information about who to contact can be found on the project page. View all Risk MAP projects in Washington to see if your county is among those with a project underway to update your local flood map. This page has an interactive map viewer where you can navigate to your community’s project in order to view contacts and project-specific information, such as a summary and schedule.