Coulee Dam shoreline master program: comprehensive update & periodic review

Public comment period requested April 15 - May 15, 2024.

We are seeking public comment on the Town of Coulee Dam's (Town) proposed comprehensive update to it's shoreline master program (SMP), including amendments to satisfy the periodic review requirement.

The updated goals, policies, regulations, environment designations, and administrative provisions are locally tailored to reflect current conditions and community vision for future shoreline use and development. The updated SMP prioritizes water-oriented activities, public access, habitat protection, and ecological restoration, and allows for legal existing uses and structures to continue. The periodic review amendments are based on recent changes to statute and rule, and address minor issues regarding the substantial development cost threshold, ADA retrofit permit exemption, definitions, SMP applicability, relief for restoration projects, and transportation project review. Both the comprehensive update and periodic review are mandatated by RCW 90.58.080.

The SMP applies to approximately 41 acres of shorelines along the Columbia River. The Columbia River is designated as shorelines of statewide significance.

we will compare the town's proposed amendment to the requirements of the Shoreline Management Act and the Shoreline Master Program Guidelines. Based on the comparison, we will decide whether to:

  • Approve the program as is.
  • Approve with recommended changes.
  • Send the proposed program back to the town with required changes to meet statutory and rule requirements. Recommended changes may also be included with the required changes.

Public comment period

Opens: April 15, 2024
Closes: May 15, 2024

All interested parties are invited to provide comment during this public comment period. There are several ways to provide comments. You only need to submit your comments once.

Submit written comments and questions to:

Lennard Jordan
Washington Department of Ecology
Central Regional Office
1250 West Alder Street
Union Gap, WA 98903

Comments must be received no later than May 15, 2024.

Documents for public review and comment

Next steps: response to public comment and decision

A summary of comments will be posted here a few weeks after the comment period closes. We will also post the Town's response to comments and a notice of our decision when they become available. Please check back.