Shoreline management

Shoreline Management Act Rulemaking
We are starting the rulemaking process to amend Chapters 173-18, -20, -22, -26, and -27 under the Shoreline Management Act. Visit the rulemaking page for more information.
Washington has about 28,000 miles of shorelines, which is equal to more than the distance around the earth. We work in partnership with communities, local and Tribal governments, and state and federal agencies to meet state and national goals for protecting, restoring, and responsibly developing state shorelines.
Shoreline Master Programs
We work in partnership with more than 260 cities and counties to develop and implement shoreline master programs (SMPs). Local SMPs protect and restore valuable aquatic resources for future generations, provide for water-dependent uses, and ensure access to public shorelines.
- Introduction
- Shoreline master program amendments
- State-approved shoreline master programs
- Shoreline planners toolbox
- Shoreline laws and rules
Permitting and enforcement
Shoreline development proposals are reviewed by local governments for compliance with SMP standards. We provide technical assistance and guidance to local governments and review some development proposals.
- Shoreline permits & enforcement
- Shoreline Permitting Manual
- Enforcing the Shoreline Management Act: Guidance for Local Government Administrators
We work closely with our government and non-government partners to better understand natural hazards and build resilient shoreline and coastal communities.