Walla Walla Water 2050 Strategic Plan
Walla Walla River
The Walla Walla Water 2050 Strategic Plan (WWW2050) lays out a 30-year effort to improve streamflows and water supplies in the Walla Walla watershed. Employing an integrated water resource management approach, the WWW2050 Plan integrates goals and solutions from the basin's diverse stakeholders in both Washington and Oregon to achieve a holistic and viable long-term plan for water use in the basin.
The plan provides a broad summary of key accomplishments and ongoing work in the basin, a description of current watershed conditions, and desired future watershed conditions to support prioritized short and long term strategy recommendations to provide improved water supply reliability and streamflows.
Public participation
A comment period for the draft plan document was held from May 10 through May 24, 2021. The final plan was issued in June 2021.
WWW2050 Story Map
The Walla Walla River Basin supports communities, crops, endangered fish and recreational tourism. Click on this illustration to view in Flickr
Related links
Contact information
Tim Poppleton
Office of Columbia River