Skagit Environmental Wetland Mitigation Bank
Established in 2011, the 396-acre Skagit Bank is located in Skagit County. The bank is approved for mitigation use.
Engineered log jam 1 at Skagit Environmental Bank taken July 2017.
Project sponsor
Clear Valley Environmental Farm, LLC
PO Box 2281
Sebastopol, CA 95743
Bank sponsor's web page
Jeff Poetsch
Managing Member
1028 Wilmington Way
Redwood City, CA 94062
650-369-2599 (office)
650-207-4994 (mobile)
Project status
- Initial Credit Release: December 17, 2013.
- Project received final federal, local, and state approval: July 27, 2011.
- Ecology public notices issued: May 21, 2009, June 9, 2010, and April 22, 2011.
- Joint Corps and Ecology public notices issued: March 10, 2006, and January 7, 2009.
Site location
- Water Resource Inventory Area 3, Mount Vernon, Skagit County
- Located 1.5 miles northeast of Mount Vernon, Swan Road is located north and State Route 9 is located east of the bank site
- Site location map
Project details
- Mitigation Banking Instrument
- Size: 396 acres
- Site actions: Restore reaches in Nookachamps Creek, East Fork Nookachamps Creek, Mud Lake Creek, and associated floodplain wetlands
- Service area map
Contact information
Kate Thompson
Department of Ecology
Shane Skaar
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Betsy Stevenson
Senior Planner
Skagit County PDS