Water resources drought response grants

This funding opportunity opened April 17, 2024.

We issued a Drought Emergency Declaration on April 16, 2024. On April 10, 2024, the state Executive Water Emergency Committee determined that specific areas in Washington meet the statutory criteria for drought conditions described in Chapter 43.83B RCW, "water supply is less than 75 percent of normal, resulting in undue hardships to water users and the environment." Under SHB 1138, Emergency Drought Response, funding became available to alleviate immediate conditions from this drought. The adopted emergency drought funding rule, Chapter 173-167 WAC, has been adopted for a third time this year, and will remain in effect until April 2, 2025 

Ecology may extend the emergency rule based on evolving drought conditions. If the emergency rule is extended, the grant guidelines below will be updated to reflect the extended date to which applications may be submitted.

Funding cycle

  • Amount of funding available: Up to $4.5 million
  • Grant award limit: A project cannot exceed more than 25% of total funds available.
  • Amount of matching funds required: Cost-share funds of at least 50% are required, unless the applicant is a public water system that serves an economically disadvantaged community.

Applications are currently being accepted.

Start date: Apr 17, 2024
End date: Apr 2, 2025

The end date will be extended if the emergency rule is extended based on evolving conditions.

The application period will remain open while the drought declaration and an emergency rule are in effect. Applications are available via Ecology’s Administration of Grants and Loans system (EAGL).

Funding is available for the following entities:

Funding was available for the following entities:

To be eligible for funding, one or more of the following must be partially or completely within the area of a drought declaration order by Ecology:

  1. The public water system’s service area.

  2. The geographic area where irrigated agriculture or livestock are located.

  3. The source of water, or the water body, that supplies water to the entity applying for funding.

The reduction in water supply caused by drought must cause, or will cause, undue hardship, as described under WAC 173-167-120.

More information about this funding program