Improving air quality in overburdened communities grants

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We're working to improve air quality in Washington communities that are historically overburdened with health, social, and environmental inequities and are highly impacted by criteria air pollution, such as ozone and fine particles. Reducing criteria air pollution will improve people's health.

We will be offering a new grant to organizations serving overburdened communities, including Tribes that choose to participate in this work. This grant is to engage people in their community to identify and develop projects that reduce criteria air pollution.

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Funding cycle

  • Amount of funding available: $10 million
  • Grant award limit: to be determined
  • Amount of matching funds required: to be determined

Applications are not being accepted at this time.

Application period will be open:  August 29, 2024 – October 24, 2024

Funding is available for the following entities:

Funding will be available to organizations serving communities identified as overburdened and highly impacted by criteria air pollution. We are working on the details. Eligible entities may include, but are not limited to:

  • Local municipalities
  • Community-based organizations
  • Tribes that choose to participate in this work to improve air quality in overburdened communities

Funding will help organizations serving overburdened communities – including Tribes that choose to participate in this work – to partner with people in their community to find and create projects that lower criteria air pollution.

More information about this funding program

These grants are paid for by funds from the Climate Commitment Act. The Climate Commitment Act supports Washington's climate action efforts by putting cap-and-invest dollars to work reducing climate pollution, creating jobs, and improving public health.

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