Air monitoring network

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Updated air quality map

We updated the air quality map, adding new features to the classic ones.  Now it works the same on desktop, laptop, tablet, and smartphone. Find tips in the short user guide.

Ecology, EPA, Tribes, and local clean air agencies maintain a network of air monitoring stations to measure air pollution in Washington. Using continuous monitoring data, we let you know when air pollution reaches unhealthy levels. Based on this information, you can change your daily activities to reduce the amount of air pollution you're exposed to.

For current air monitoring information, look at the map below or go to the bigger map with more features, Washington Air Quality Map.

Download the air quality mobile app:

Monitoring Washington’s air quality

We use air monitoring data to:

  • Provide near real-time air quality information to protect health.
  • Determine if air quality meets health-based federal standards.
  • Forecast air quality.
  • Decide if burning will be allowed.
  • Help make air permitting decisions.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of air pollution control programs.
  • Evaluate the effects of air pollution on human health.
  • Determine air quality trends.
  • Identify and develop responsible, cost-effective pollution control strategies.
  • Evaluate air quality models.

The network measures EPA’s list of the most serious health-related air pollutants (called criteria air pollutants):

The network also measures atmospheric data (wind speed and direction, temperature, relative humidity, and air pressure).