Regulations & Permits

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We oversee many state and federal laws designed to protect Washington's land, air, and water. See our laws, rules, & rulemaking page for more information about our current rules and rulemaking.

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Regulations & Permits

Use this portal to filter and search for all of our regulatory information.

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We oversee many state and federal laws designed to protect Washington's land, air, and water. See our laws, rules, & rulemaking page for more information about our current rules and rulemaking.

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DRAFT Manufacturer Plan Guidance
This draft document includes guidance and information for manufacturers of photovoltaic modules.
Ecology Organic Waste Reduction Hierarchy
A text version of the organics waste reduction hierarchy pyramid created by the Washington Department of Ecology to assist businesses and residents in efficiently managing organic wastes.
LID Briefings for Elected Officials - Eastern Washington Presentation
This is a briefing about Low Impact Development requirements of municipal stormwater permittees for elected officials in Eastern Washington.
LID Briefings for Elected Officials - Western Washington Presentation
This is a briefing about Low Impact Development requirements of municipal stormwater permittees for elected officials in Western Washington.
Ecology Water Quality Funded Projects EAGL Document Management Guidance
Ecology Water Quality Funded Projects EAGL Document Management Guidance
Ecology Water Quality Grant and Loan Funded Projects EAGL Uploads Tip Sheet
Ecology Water Quality Grant and Loan Funded Projects EAGL Uploads Tip Sheet
Ecology Water Quality Combined Fiscal Year 2019 Applicant Workshop Guidance for Recipient Files
Ecology Water Quality Combined Fiscal Year 2019 Applicant Workshop Guidance for Recipient Files
Ecology Water Quality Funded Facility Projects EPA Signage Memo
Ecology Water Quality Funded Facility Projects EPA Signage Memo
Adsorb-it filtration fabric
Ecology letter finding Eco-Tec, Inc. Adsorb-it filtration fabric, when configured properly, can be used as a catch basin insert for stormwater control.
Envirotac II
Letter showing Envirotac II functionally equivalent to C126 (Polyacrylamide for Soil Erosion Protection) and C140 (Dust Control) best management practices for stormwater management.
EarthGuard Fiber Matrix Equivalency
Ecology letter finding EarthGuard Fiber Matrix can be used as temporary erosion control mechanism.
Detalok Equivalency Letter
Letter showing Deltalok product can be used to meet Element 6 (Protect Slopes) of the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan for construction sites.
Dog poop fact sheet
Washington Waters Ours to Protect dog poop fact sheet
Dog poop fact sheet E WA
Washington Waters Ours to Protect dog poop fact sheet E WA
Dog poop fact sheet Spanish
Washington Waters Ourt to Protect dog poop fact sheet Spanish
Dog poop poster
Washington Waters Ours to Protect dog poop poster
Dog poop poster E WQ
Washington Waters Ours to Protect dog poop poster E WA
Dog poop poster Spanish
Washington Waters Ours to Protect dog poop poster, Spanish
Definitions Work Group Notes - February 3, 2015
Definitions Work Group Notes - February 3, 2015
Diamond Track Environmental Trackout Mat
Letter that determined to be functionally equivalent to BMP C105: Stabilized Construction Entrance
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