Regulations & Permits
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We oversee many state and federal laws designed to protect Washington's land, air, and water. See our laws, rules, & rulemaking page for more information about our current rules and rulemaking.
SEPA Notice of Action Taken Word Version
SEPA Notice of Withdrawal PDF Version
SEPA Notice of Withdrawal Template Word Version
SEPA Revised DNS Template Word Version
SEPA Determination of NonSignificance Template PDF Version
SEPA PowerPoint training presentation
SEPA Training Presentation December 2017
SEPA DS and Scoping Notice Template PDF Version
SEPA Determination of Significance and Scoping Notice Template Word Version
SEPA DS and Scoping Notice Template Word Version
SEPA Determination of Significance and Scoping Notice Template Word Version
SEPA's Flexible Tools for Project level Review
Description of Planning level SEPA reviews that provide streamlined project-level SEPA
Letter to Chairman Barrossa Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works
A letter from the Washington Department of Ecology, signed by Director Maia Bellon, to Senators John Barrsso and Tom Carpenter, Chairman and ranking member of the Senate Environment & Public Works Committee, respectively, setting the record straight on why a water quality certification was denied to Millennium Bilk Terminals - Longview.
Steps in the state environmental review process
Steps in the state environmental review process for SEPA
Letter to Colonel Mark Geraldi, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
A letter to Colonel Mark Geraldi, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, from the Washington Department of Ecology, signed by Director Maia Bellon, expressing deep concern over its restarting the federal permitting process for Millennium Bulk Terminals in Longview.
Letter to Army Corps LTG Semonite from Wash ATG Bob Ferguson
A letter dated Oct. 10, 2018, from Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson to Army Corps' Lieutenant General Todd Semonite regarding Millennium Bulk terminals in Longview
Permit Denial Millennium Bulk Terminals
A water certification denial detailing the reasons why the Washington Department of Ecology made its decision.
Chehalis draft EIS - vicinity map for the proposed Chehalis River Basin Flood Damage Reduction Project
Map showing the location where Flood District's proposed projects would occur.
CRITFC Request for TDG STM
This is a letter from the Columbia River Inter-tribal Fish Commission requesting Ecology to modify its total dissolved gas standards on the lower Snake and Columbia rivers.
Draft TDG short term modification administrative order
Draft version of the short term modification administrative order for total dissolved gas criteria
WA DFW Request for TDG Short-term Mod
This is a letter from the WA Dept. of Fish and Wildlife requesting Ecology to adjust its total dissolved gas standards on the lower Snake and Columbia rivers.
115 results
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