Using MyEIM

MyEIM is an advanced tool for searching and analyzing EIM data. We suggest MyEIM if you can't get what you need from EIM Search — or if you need to do one of the following: 

  • Customize, save, and share your searches
  • Make custom station and parameter groups
  • Analyze data and compare it with cleanup standards for environmental media

Make a MyEIM account; follow these steps

Go to SecureAccess Washington (SAW)


Link to MyEIM from SAW

Add the MyEIM service to your account. Select:
  1. "Add a New Service" button.
  2. "Department of Ecology" from the agency list.
  3. "MyEIM" from the service name list.
  4. "Apply" button.
Go to MyEIM. Select:
  1. "My Secure Services" tab.
  2. "MyEIM" from your services.