Dioxin Study Technical Memo
This is a PDF file that summarizes well testing results in the Lower Yakima Valley.
TMDL Fact Sheet for the Quincy Industrial Waste Treatment Facility
November 5, 2012: Fish Consumption Technical Review Meeting
Meeting summary from Nov. 5, 2012, technical review panel meeting to discuss the revised version of the Fish Consumption Technical Report V.2, hosted by Washington State Department of Ecology.
November 27, 2012: Fish Consumption Technical Review Meeting
Meeting summary from Nov. 27, 2012, technical review panel meeting to discuss the revised version of the Fish Consumption Technical Report V.2, hosted by Washington State Department of Ecology.
BMP Effectiveness Database
Literature review of BMP Effectiveness conducted to help choose effectiveness study priorities.
Air quality studies
Information about air quality studies we conduct.
Freshwater Aquatic Plants Manual
An illustrated guide to some of the more common freshwater aquatic plants found in Washington, such as hydrilla, milfoil, pondweeds, bladderworts, and more.
BEACH annual report
See our annual county-by-county report on bacterial levels at saltwater swimming beaches for 2023.