Executive key contacts

Below you'll find contact information for our executive team and administrative personnel.

Ecology executive team


Laura Watson, laura.watson@ecy.wa.gov, (Twitter)

Deputy Director

Heather Bartlett, heather.bartlett@ecy.wa.gov

Director of Administrative Services

Jim Pendowski, jim.pendowski@ecy.wa.gov

Senior Advisor

Tribal & Environmental Affairs - Tyson Oreiro, tyson.oreiro@ecy.wa.gov

Policy Advisors

Special assistant to the director - Sharlett Mena, sharlett.mena@ecy.wa.gov

Special assistant to the director - Jennifer Hennessey, jennifer.hennessey@ecy.wa.gov

Director of Office of Columbia River

Tom Tebb, thomas.tebb@ecy.wa.gov

Director of Governmental Relations

Adam Eitmann, adam.eitmann@ecy.wa.gov

Director of Communications

Dustin Terpening, dustin.terpening@ecy.wa.gov

Director of Human Resources

Sandi Stewart, sandi.stewart@ecy.wa.gov

Chief Financial Officer

Garret Ward, garret.ward@ecy.wa.gov  (budget info)

Chief Information Officer

Scott West, scott.west@ecy.wa.gov 

Ecology administrative contacts

Human Resources

Receptionist — Nikki Lu, nikki.lu@ecy.wa.gov, 360-407-6186

Laws and Rules

Information — Katie Wolt, katie.wolt@ecy.wa.gov

Not sure who to contact?

Call our main receptionist — 360-407-6000

Contact the web team