Cap-and-Invest auctions & market

Businesses that are covered under the Climate Commitment Act must obtain compliance instruments equal to their covered emissions each year. Each instrument (emissions allowance or offset credit) is equal to 1 metric ton of greenhouse gases.

Allowances are issued by Ecology and either given to certain businesses for free, as directed by the law, or sold at quarterly auction. Allowances can be used for compliance, saved to use in a future year, or traded between market participants (just like stocks and bonds).

Program compliance

The 2023 compliance event is Nov. 1, 2024. To be compliant, businesses that are required to participate or those that opt into the program voluntarily can choose their most cost-effective strategy for compliance, including:  

  • Purchasing allowances at auction   
  • Purchasing from other entities  
  • Obtaining allowances through no-cost allocation  
  • Earning or purchasing offset credits (limits apply)  
  • Reducing greenhouse gas emissions  
  • A combination of the above   

All other details related to compliance, including deadlines and obligations, are on the Cap-and-Invest Program compliance webpage

Auctions FAQ 

In December 2021, Washington joined the Western Climate Initiative Inc. (WCI), the nonprofit that provides the auction platform for the linked programs in California and Québec, as well as the standalone program in Nova Scotia.

We held our first auction Feb. 28, 2023. We'll hold four quarterly auctions each year. You can find more information about how auctions work below.

Information about upcoming auctions and past auction results can be found at the bottom of the page under the "Notices and reports" tabs.

Allowance Price Containment Reserve (APCR) FAQ

The APCR is a separate pool of allowances that are still under the cap but only released into the market when: quarterly auction prices reach a certain threshold; new entities enter the Cap-and-Invest Program and specific conditions are met; and once a year, prior to each compliance deadline. This mechanism is designed to ensure businesses can obtain allowances at pre-determined prices. 

APCR Auctions are only open to businesses and entities that are required to obtain allowances to cover their emissions ("covered" or "opt-in entities"). APCR auctions are not open to investors or other entities without a compliance obligation ("general market participants"). 

APCR allowances can only be used to cover emissions and do not have a vintage. APCR allowances won at auction are deposited directly into entities’ compliance accounts; they can’t be sold or traded among market participants to generate revenue.

Notices and reports

Starting in 2023, we'll host four auctions a year, each consisting of a single round of bidding by auction participants. We'll announce the dates of upcoming auctions at least 60 days in advance on our webpage and to subscribers of the auctions and market updates email list.

2025 Auction Notices

2025 Annual Notices

After each quarterly auction, we'll post an Auction Summary Report outlining information about the settlement price and number of allowances sold. A few weeks later, we'll also post a Public Proceeds Report confirming the amount of revenue raised by the auction and a rolling tally of all auction proceeds since the beginning of the program on Jan. 1, 2023.

We also publish reports on different aspects of auctions and market participation, which will be included here for the current year. For previous reports, we maintain an archive of all Cap-and-Invest auction and market reports.

2025 auction reports

2024 auction reports

Other market reports

You can also sign up to receive auction and trading updates via email to be notified when we issue these reports.

Electric utilities (2023-2026)
Please contact with questions regarding utility allocation.

Natural gas utilities (2023-2026)