Cap-and-Invest linkage

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California, Québec, and Washington issue joint statement on linkage

All three governments formally expressed mutual interest in forming a shared carbon market for the first time on March 20. Read the joint statement.

Established by the Climate Commitment Act (CCA) in 2021, Washington’s Cap-and-Invest Program is only the second of its kind in the United States. The first U.S. program began in California in 2012, and a similar program was launched in Québec, Canada, the following year. Given their similar structure and goals, it was determined that "linking" the two carbon markets could yield important benefits in emissions reductions and long-term program sustainability. California and Québec connected their programs in 2014, creating one shared carbon market.

Washington seeks to link with the California-Québec market, and all three jurisdictions have expressed mutual interest in this possibility. California and Québec would need to undergo their own processes to decide whether to link. All three programs could need revisions to some regulations, so the soonest we can reasonably expect to have a linkage agreement is late 2025.

Find more information in our Focus on Cap-and-Invest Program Linkage resource.

What would linkage mean for Washington?

Linkage means combining Washington's Cap-and-Invest Program with similar carbon markets.

In a linked market, allowances issued by California and Québec could be used by Washington businesses to cover their emissions, and vice versa. The three jurisdictions would host joint allowance auctions and share a common allowance price. Market participants could also trade allowances across jurisdictions.

The Climate Commitment Act directs us to actively consider linking Washington's Cap-and-Invest Program with other carbon markets and requires that our state's program be built in such a way that linking would be as seamless as possible. However, the law also requires us to review specific criteria to ensure linkage would benefit our state’s communities, economy, and climate goals.

Linkage overview video

The video provides an overview of how Washington's Cap-and-Invest market currently works and how it would change if it linked with other markets.

What are some of the potential impacts of linking markets with California and Québec?

When California and Québec linked in 2014, it created a single market with a higher volume of emissions allowances being traded. Larger markets are generally more stable and have more consistent pricing because a larger pool of buyers and sellers reduces price swings.

The agreement to link California and Québec's markets has enabled businesses to participate in these programs more sustainably and has generated lasting reductions in carbon pollution and much-needed revenue for critical climate projects.

Environmental & health considerations of linkage

By law, we must evaluate the effect on vulnerable populations and overburdened communities before making a final decision to link markets. For our initial assessment of potential impacts, read the Preliminary Linkage Criteria Analysis.

We'll review new information about changes California and Québec may make to their programs as we continue to refine our analysis.

We’re also looking at potential impacts to overburdened communities and Tribes as part of the Environmental Justice Assessment. Learn more about the assessment and how to share your input.

CCA policies that center communities and Tribes

The CCA includes several policies to address potential environmental justice concerns for communities and Tribes. Read more about these policies below or in our CCA: Focus on Environmental Justice resource. These polices will stay in place if we link with California and Québec.  

Linkage Criteria: Preliminary Analysis Report

Ecology's report for our analysis of how linking would impact Washington’s communities, economy, and climate goals includes our initial evaluation of the linkage criteria from the CCA and a summary of input received. We'll continue to assess the potential impacts of linking and share a final assessment of the criteria before making a final decision to link. 

Read the Preliminary Linkage Criteria Analysis.

Linkage process and timeline

The decision to link markets is a multi-step process that will include additional opportunities for public input. 

In March, Washington, California and Québec issued a joint statement expressing mutual interest in linking carbon markets.

Below, you'll find a general timeline for how we expect this process to roll out, and we'll update this information if we anticipate any changes.

More information

Share your input

We asked for public input during a spring 2023 outreach period, which ended May 15, 2023. We used your input to inform our analysis of the linkage criteria laid out in the CCA and the preliminary decision to pursue linkage. 

The Preliminary Linkage Criteria Analysis includes background on linkage, a summary of input received, and Ecology’s initial evaluation of the linkage criteria from the CCA. 

Linkage rulemaking

Governor Inslee signed our request legislation in March, which allows us to make necessary changes to program rules to facilitate linkage. We've begun the rulemaking process.

Draft rule language, upcoming public meetings, and other details are available on the Cap-and-Invest linkage rulemaking webpage.   

We're accepting written feedback from June 3 at 5 p.m. through Sept. 27, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. Sign up for Climate Commitment Act email alerts to receive notifications for meetings and online comment opportunities. 

Environmental Justice Assessments

We are doing two Environmental Justice Assessments related to a possible carbon market linkage. The first focuses on understanding how linking Washington’s carbon market to the California-Québec market could potentially impact overburdened communities, as defined in the HEAL Act. The second focuses on understanding potential impacts of specific rule changes that would need to occur in order to link (Chapter 173-441 WAC and Chapter 173-446 WAC).  

Under the HEAL Act, “overburdened communities” are defined as geographic areas with combined, multiple environmental harms and health impacts facing vulnerable populations, meaning groups of people who are more likely to be at higher risk for poor health outcomes in response to environmental harms. The purpose of an Environmental Justice Assessment is to identify a wide range of potential environmental justice impacts an action may have. The Environmental Justice Assessment is required to occur in the early developmental stages of our work and helps us make informed decisions to reduce environmental harms and to address environmental and health disparities in overburdened communities.  

We’ll host a series of listening sessions to hear how the potential linkage of carbon markets could impact Tribal communities, communities of color, low-income communities, and other communities who face environmental harms/health impacts. We’ll also have individual and small group meetings and accept written feedback. 

Watch the recording of the first listening session we held on July 22. 

You also can submit written comments online for both Environmental Justice Assessments or email them to us at The current comment period runs from June 3, 2024, at 5 p.m. through Sept. 27, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. We plan to hold additional comment periods after we review the first set of comments.   

If you have any questions or would like to set up a meeting, contact

Future opportunities for input

There will be more opportunities for public input before we make a final decision on linkage, including a public hearing to get feedback on a draft linkage agreement.

Sign up for Climate Commitment Act email alerts to receive notifications about these opportunities.

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