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167 results.

Another day, another (Pacific sand) dollar
If you escaped to the Washington’s coastline this summer to beat the heat, you probably walked by the remains of this month’s critter: the Pacific sand dollar.
The gaper clams live in the shadows of giants
Nothing says “summer” like digging for clams in Puget Sound, but finding a gaper clam often brings disappointment. Geoduck hunters, don’t despair — the humble gaper is a treasure in its own right.
Bend, but don’t break: The bamboo worms flex and flourish
Since June encompasses three outdoorsy occasions, let’s get our hands dirty and talk about an incredible group of animals that resemble a truly incredible plant: the bamboo worms.
Poop and beaches don’t mix
Beach season has begun and we're out sampling to ensure your safety.
Resilience and the purple sea urchin
Purple urchins aren't just faceless purple pincushions — they may have a thing or two to teach us about resilience in the face of challenges.
Clean & safe water for communities
This summer, scientists plan to sample 170 wells as part of the larger effort to address elevated nitrate in the Lower Yakima Valley.
Marine sediment story maps:
Our Marine Sediment Monitoring Team just released five new interactive story maps detailing their work to monitor the health of Puget Sound sediments.
Babies of the Benthos – Worm Edition
In this Critter edition, let’s dive into the “birds and the bees” of benthic worms, and the resulting faces that only a mother (or an invertebrate taxonomist) could love.
Community Science Month is coming
Science isn’t just for professional scientists. In April we’ll explore some of the ways anyone can get in on the action.
Annual Report on Washington Beaches
Check out the 2020 Annual BEACH Report to see how your beach fared last year.