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Independent studies show new climate change initiatives deliver significant benefits at minimal costs
We're sharing independent economic analyses of the Climate Commitment Act and the Clean Fuel Standard.
Sprague Lake water level study set to begin
We're partnering with Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife to help identify flood risk solutions for Sprague Lake.
Plans for Nooksack adjudication are underway

Plans for water rights adjudication in the Nooksack Basin have raised a lot of questions. We have answers.

Chehalis River Basin Flood Authority launches flood warning data dashboard
To help communities better prepare, the Chehalis River Basin Flood Authority launched its Flood Warning System Gage Alert data dashboard.
Striving for a resilient ocean on World Ocean Day
The ocean nourishes us and sustains life. But the ocean is changing because of carbon pollution from human activities. We're taking steps to help the ocean. Learn how you can help too.
Join our June 21 webinar about toxic tire dust
Join our June 21 6PPD webinar. Learn more about 6PPD by watching our video presentations in advance.
Anderson Landfill update: no evidence of contaminated drinking water
Recent data confirms that nearby drinking water and on-site gas emissions do not pose immediate environmental health risks to the public. This is a follow-up to our last update about the landfill.
Amplifying Black voices and contributions
During Black History Month, we are sharing team member stories and highlighting environmental heroes who fought for environmental justice and a clean and healthy environment.
King tides showcase future sea level rise
Washington’s 56 cities and counties with marine shorelines are experiencing this winter’s final cycle of king tides. 
Construction underway at Swift Creek
Whatcom County Public Works is constructing sediment traps to remove asbestos from Swift Creek.