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464 results.

New law improves capabilities for drought response and preparedness
The new drought law outlines a framework to build long-term drought resiliency, while improving the state’s ability to quickly and effectively respond to drought emergencies.
Product Replacement Program helps businesses tackle toxics
Last year, Ecology’s Product Replacement Program helped more than 30 dry cleaners transition to safer cleaning methods. Now, we’re determining which toxic chemical we should help replace next.
Next steps in managing water rights
In 2019, the Legislature asked us to identify areas that were our highest priorities for future adjudications. We identified two watersheds in immediate need of adjudication.
Cleaning Kendall Yards
A bygone legacy of steam engines. From an abandoned, contaminated site to shops and housing: the cleanup story of the West Spokane Railyard.
New permit for wineries helps protect water quality

We have worked together with the Washington's wineries to develop the first statewide water quality permit for wineries.

Tacoma Smelter Plume Yard Program

Through our Residential Yard Sampling and Cleanup Program, we're cleaning up and replacing soil in 14 yards and a community park in the southern end of Vashon-Maury Island.

No Discharge Zone continues to protect Puget Sound
We have good news for Puget Sound as EPA reaffirms the No Discharge Zone.
How Ecology staff work to include AAPI communities

During Asian Pacific Heritage Month we're going hyper-local. We're celebrating by highlighting our staff’s efforts to make our environmental work more accessible to AAPI communities in Washington.

Restoring the environment after toxic contamination
The Natural Resources Damage Assessment and restoration process uses money from polluters to rebuild habitats.
Wastewater treatment plant operators protect water during pandemic
126 wastewater treatment plants, nearly 40% of Washington’s treatment systems, earned the top-performing status this year.