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468 results.

285 positions open with the Washington Conservation Corps

The Washington Conservation Corps (WCC) recently opened recruitment for 285 AmeriCorps member positions around the state.

New report explores nutrient trading in Puget Sound

Join our virtual Puget Sound Nutrient Forum on July 25 for a presentation on nutrient trading in Puget Sound. 

Ecology funds all FCAAP 2023-2025 Competitive Planning Grant Projects

Ecology has funded all five applications for 2023-2025 Competitive Planning Grant projects under the Flood Control Assistance Account Program (FCAAP).

Tales of teaching Hanford

The Nuclear Waste Program rounded out outreach and education for the 2022-2023 in the Colville National Forest. 

Cleaning up: Cleanup of shoreline and sediment moving forward for Seattle’s Gas Works Park

We're holding a public meeting about a cleanup action plan for the sediments around Gas Works Park in Seattle.

Cleaning up: Tackling dioxins and PAHs in Budd Inlet
Ecology and the Port of Olympia are amending a legal agreement that requires the port to clean up contamination in sediment — the mud, sand, and silt under the waters of Budd Inlet.
Striving for a resilient ocean on World Ocean Day
The ocean nourishes us and sustains life. But the ocean is changing because of carbon pollution from human activities. We're taking steps to help the ocean. Learn how you can help too.
Investing in cleaner water by the millions (of dollars)
We fund hundreds of water quality projects each year — look back at recent projects to learn more about what is possible with clean water grants and loans.
“Watershed” moment: successes in wetland restoration and regenerative farming in Douglas County
With grant funds from Ecology, the Foster Creek Conservation District is working on a new round of projects to restore the watershed, monitor water quality, and improve soil health near Foster Creek.
Join our June 21 webinar about toxic tire dust
Join our June 21 6PPD webinar. Learn more about 6PPD by watching our video presentations in advance.