Air quality

Everyone deserves clean air to breathe and a sustainable future that responds to challenges presented by climate change. To reach these goals, we regulate harmful emissions from vehicles, burning, and industrial activities to help protect air quality and reduce greenhouse gases that increase temperatures around the globe.
Everyone deserves clean air to breathe and a sustainable future that responds to challenges presented by climate change. To reach these goals, we regulate harmful emissions from vehicles, burning, and industrial activities to help protect air quality and reduce greenhouse gases that increase temperatures around the globe.

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357 results.

Everett area could get nearly $4 million for habitat restoration

A proposed settlement could provide nearly $4 million to fund restoration sites in Port Gardner Bay and the Snohomish River that were damaged by industrial pollution.

Hoping for the best, preparing for the worst: Increasing our readiness to respond to oil train spills

We have oil spill response plans for Puget Sound and other marine waters to make the state ready for an accident involving tanker ships and refineries. Now, we're expanding this work.

Turning on the pumps

Last week, the Bertrand Watershed Improvement District turned on pumps that will put more water into the creek during the late summer/early fall low-flow season.

Floodplain redesign delivers downstream benefits for all
This deliberate logjam is one piece of a plan to restore a functional floodplain along a three mile stretch of the North Fork Touchet River in Southeast Washington.
Get prepared now for dust storms
Central and Eastern Washington should take these steps to prepare for dust storms every spring through fall.
Cleaning up: North Everett yard make-overs still available
Soil cleanup continues this year in the Everett Smelter Plume site, located in of the city’s north end. We encourage homeowners who have not joined the process to sign up for free soil sampling.
Ecology launches new air quality monitoring site to prepare for smoke season
Our new air quality monitoring site promises to be faster, easier to use and more informative.
Bi-state partnership boosts understanding of Walla Walla River basin
Ecology is working with Oregon Water Resources and USGS on a comprehensive study of groundwater in the Walla Walla River Basin. This solid science will help inform future policy in the region.
Our new Office of Chehalis Basin

The Office of Chehalis Basin was created in July 2017 to integrate a strategy for long-term flood damage reduction and aquatic species restoration.

From onsite septic repair to stormwater infrastructure, $183 million is going to more than 100 clean water projects

We are offering more than $183 million in financial assistance for 106 high-priority clean water projects across the state.