Critter of the Month

Critter of the Month gives a peek into the lives of Puget Sound’s least-known inhabitants – mud-dwelling invertebrates collected by the Marine Sediment Monitoring Team. Each month we feature a different species or group, giving information on identification, habitat, and life history.
Critter of the Month gives a peek into the lives of Puget Sound’s least-known inhabitants – mud-dwelling invertebrates collected by the Marine Sediment Monitoring Team. Each month we feature a different species or group, giving information on identification, habitat, and life history.

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176 results.

Systemwide change to tackle plastic pollution no longer out of reach
The U.S. Plastic Pact is an ambitious initiative to unify diverse public and private stakeholders across the plastics chain to rethink how we design, use, and reuse plastics.
Secure your load: Prevent litter and save lives
National Secure Your Load Day is held annually on June 6th and encourages all drivers to properly secure their loads every time they drive.
Stuck at home? Get cozy like the tunicate amphipod
Meet the tunicate amphipod, a critter that embraces the comforts of home like no other.
Uncertain times won't stop progress in the Walla Walla basin
Interest groups are coming together - via videoconference - to plan a long-term water strategy for the Walla Walla River Basin.
The solitary pink-mouth hydroid keeps it together (at a distance)
The solitary pink mouth hydroid demonstrates that it might just be possible to embrace togetherness – at a safe distance.
Got New Year’s resolutions? The two-tentacled hydroid proves that change is possible
Beneath the waters of Puget Sound, the two-tentacled hydroid proves that it’s possible to make a completely fresh start, while still keeping a few of those old bad habits.
Reducing plastics in Washington
Plastic pollution is everywhere and poses a threat to human health, wildlife, and the environment .
Sea ​​Consciente del aire y esté Preparado
Las agencias de calidad del aire de todo el país están destacando la "Semana de concientización sobre la calidad del aire".
Vamos a #PrepararnosparaelHumoJuntos Junio 13-17
Prepárese para #SmokeReadyTogether este año y ayude a prevenir incendios forestales con estos consejos.
Meaningful Momentum: CCA Updates for February 2023
We have liftoff! The cap-and-invest program officially launched on Jan. 1, so it's high time we filled you in on all that's been happening with the CCA!