Air quality

Everyone deserves clean air to breathe and a sustainable future that responds to challenges presented by climate change. To reach these goals, we regulate harmful emissions from vehicles, burning, and industrial activities to help protect air quality and reduce greenhouse gases that increase temperatures around the globe.
Everyone deserves clean air to breathe and a sustainable future that responds to challenges presented by climate change. To reach these goals, we regulate harmful emissions from vehicles, burning, and industrial activities to help protect air quality and reduce greenhouse gases that increase temperatures around the globe.

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357 results.

Meaningful Momentum: CCA Updates for August 2022
The January 2023 launch of the cap-and-invest program is just a few months away! Come find out what we've been up to as we gear up for this historic event.
Ilwaco’s Bear Ridge Community Forest becomes a reality
With $500,000 from Ecology, and the support of other groups, Ilwaco's drinking water source is now protected for the future.
Behind the scenes at the Nuclear Waste Program
We are spotlighting the team that oversees cleanup of the most contaminated nuclear site in the country.
Cleaning up: Making progress on the Bellingham waterfront
Cleanup along the Bellingham waterfront is moving forward, and we invite you provide feedback and join us for a walking tour and open house.
Prepárate para la Semana del Humo
Prepárese para #SmokeReadyTogether este año y ayude a prevenir incendios forestales con estos consejos.
Cleaning up: Dawn Food Products site moves closer to cleanup
We’re signing a legal agreement with a new property owner to investigate and clean up the contamination at the Dawn Food Products site in Seattle’s Georgetown neighborhood, and we’d like your input.
Partnering on lead removal at Plantation Rifle Range

We’re working with Whatcom County to clean up 50 years of lead contamination at Plantation Rifle Range. We invite your comments through March 17.

Cleaning up: In-water cleanup moving forward at Seattle’s iconic Gas Works Park
Cleanup of Gas Works Park in Seattle is moving forward. We invite you to comment on two environmental cleanup documents and attend a public meeting.
Reducing flood risks in our communities
Modern flood management strives to restore a floodplain’s natural flood capacity, protecting lives and homes while also benefiting fish and wildlife. Several state and federal grant programs can help.
June 16 Public Meetings on Low-Carbon Energy Siting Study

We're hosting public meetings on June 16 to discuss how we provide environmental review on the siting of "green," low-carbon energy projects.