Contamination cleanup

Contamination cleanup helps restore habitat for wildlife, provides new opportunities for recreation, and protects people’s health by removing toxic chemicals from the environment.
Contamination cleanup helps restore habitat for wildlife, provides new opportunities for recreation, and protects people’s health by removing toxic chemicals from the environment.

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Cleaning up: Washington’s environmental cleanup law turns 30

We're celebrating 30 years of cleaning up Washington under our environmental cleanup law – the Model Toxics Control Act.

Get ready to "fall" for the orange sea pen
The orange sea pen resembles a colorful autumn tree waving in the breeze of moving water currents.
Be still, my heart (urchin)!
Unlike most sea urchins, which are round, heart urchins appear heart-shaped, elongate with a small depression at one end for the mouth.
Puget Sound waters left sweltering after double punch from the drought and the Blob

Puget Sound waters were hit with a double-whammy. Late last year, "the Blob" was followed by an extremely warm winter, and the usual snowpack didn’t form in the mountains.

Puget Sound Nutrient Watch: What is the Problem with Nutrients?

Our third installment of Puget Sound Nutrient Watch focuses on Puget Sound's excessive nutrients.

Millions of jellyfish take the center stage for this month's Eyes Over Puget Sound

During Aug. 2015's Eyes Over Puget Sound monitoring flight, we saw massive blooms of jellyfish stretching hundreds of feet long.

Our taxonomists “name that species!”
Meet the two new taxonomists that recently joined the monitoring team, Dany Burgess and Angela Eagleston.
Eyes Over Puget Sound: More squishies, less crunchies

Abundant sun and unusually warm water temperatures fueled phytoplankton and zooplankton blooms in many areas during June 2015's marine flight.

Lots of thoughtful feedback received as we update the CAFO permit
We appreciate that so many citizens, producers, groups and organizations took their time to give us thoughtful comments on the permit we're updating for concentrated animal feeding operations.
Commercial net pen aquaculture planning meeting March 23
You are invited to attend the next planning meeting for updating the Recommendations for Managing Commercial Net Pen Aquaculture in Washington's straits and estuaries.