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955 results.

Innovative Water Solutions
The efforts began decades ago. The goal: to meet water needs for families, farms, forests, and fish without fighting.
Setting the record straight on ocean acidification

The Washington Policy Center got the facts wrong, as did media outlets that repeated the story. We do not disagree with Gov. Jay Inslee on ocean acidification, and we have reason to be concerned.

Lots of thoughtful feedback received as we update the CAFO permit
We appreciate that so many citizens, producers, groups and organizations took their time to give us thoughtful comments on the permit we're updating for concentrated animal feeding operations.
Commercial net pen aquaculture planning meeting March 23
You are invited to attend the next planning meeting for updating the Recommendations for Managing Commercial Net Pen Aquaculture in Washington's straits and estuaries.
Clean water funding continues to support local communities

This year, we’re proposing $188 million in financial assistance for 165 high-priority clean-water projects.

2019 funding awarded to support clean water in Washington’s communities

Ecology is offering more than $155 million in financial assistance for 69 high-priority clean water projects across Washington state.

Finding a balanced approach for aquatic plant management
Our draft environmental study reviews eight new chemicals, five alternatives for management, and updates information on other chemicals currently covered under the permits.
The brittle stars embody nature's fragility...and resilience
The brittle stars truly are in a class all their own.
Nonpoint pollution: What's the point?
Nonpoint pollution is not just an urban phenomenon, nonpoint pollution is a problem in suburban and rural areas as well.
What the shell? The tusk shells are in a class all their own
Tusk shells belong to the Class Scaphopoda, meaning boat foot. In contrast to a real elephant's ivory tusk, a scaphopod's conical shell is open on both ends.