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Fecal Matters: Health risks after heavy rainfall
Beachgoers need to be aware of the potential health risks associated with large rains and take precaution when visiting a beach.
Reducing flood risks in our communities
Modern flood management strives to restore a floodplain’s natural flood capacity, protecting lives and homes while also benefiting fish and wildlife. Several state and federal grant programs can help.
Meaningful Momentum: CCA Updates for September and October 2022
Find out what's going on in the Air Quality Program as we work to build and implement Washington's new cap-and-invest program!
Construction underway at Swift Creek
Whatcom County Public Works is constructing sediment traps to remove asbestos from Swift Creek.
Celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Coastal Zone Management Act
This month marks the 50th anniversary of the federal Coastal Zone Management Act.
The endless benefits of product transparency
You shouldn’t need a Ph.D. in toxicology to buy your products. That’s where product transparency and its seemingly endless benefits come in.
If the spirit moves (mud): The burrowing ghost shrimp
Fall’s chill is in the air and decorations are going up all over town. Meanwhile, under the mud of Puget Sound, there’s a critter that stays in its costume all year long – the burrowing ghost shrimp.
As new service year begins, WCC teams deploy to Florida to help after Hurricane Ian
In October 2022, AmeriCorps requested WCC to lead the entity’s Disaster Response Team to respond to Hurricane Ian which devastated parts of Florida in late September.
Cleaning up: In-water cleanup moving forward at Seattle’s iconic Gas Works Park
Cleanup of Gas Works Park in Seattle is moving forward. We invite you to comment on two environmental cleanup documents and attend a public meeting.
Calling all volunteers! Help your community recover from an oil spill and volunteer your vessel
We are looking for volunteers to help in the event of a large oil spill.