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955 results.

Understanding the environmental impacts of more water over the dam

We're considering allowing more water to spill over dams to help salmon migrate.

Seeking farmers in Palouse watershed to help improve environment
Millions of dollars are available to Palouse-area farmers for making on-the-ground improvements that benefit soil, water and fish and wildlife habitat.
Don't let ground-level ozone ruin your summer fun

It’s the time of year you want to be outside but we’re not excited about ground-level ozone. 

Oak Harbor has Puget Sound's future in mind
The city of Oak Harbor is about to bring Puget Sound's newest wastewater treatment plant online.
$187 milion proposed for clean water projects across the state
Ecology is proposing to award more than $183 million in financial assistance for 107 high-priority clean water projects across the state.
Hitting the brakes on copper pollution

June is Orca Awareness Month, so it’s a great time to become aware of the impacts pollution coming from things like vehicle brakes can have.

Cleaning up: Boeing Auburn feasibility study
The Boeing Auburn cleanup site includes a large off-property area. Cleanup strategies studied include speeding up a natural cleanup process. Comment on that study!
Boots on the ground: AmeriCorps members support COVID-19 vaccine distribution
Our AmeriCorps members are helping the state respond to the coronavirus pandemic through supporting vaccine distribution in Central and Eastern Washington.
Draft permit outlines path to a healthier Puget Sound
We are continuing our work with Puget Sound communities to reduce the amount of nutrients flowing through wastewater treatment plants and into Puget Sound.
Comment on cruise ship agreement amendments
Seeking comments on proposed amendments to Washington's cruise ship environmental agreement.