Central Region

Ecology has four regional offices. The Central region includes Benton, Chelan, Douglas, Kittitas, Klickitat, Okanogan, and Yakima counties.
Ecology has four regional offices. The Central region includes Benton, Chelan, Douglas, Kittitas, Klickitat, Okanogan, and Yakima counties.

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Looking for water right documents?

We've streamlined how we post water right documents and decisions. Our new online portal has most documents in one location for each of our four regions  

“Watershed” moment: successes in wetland restoration and regenerative farming in Douglas County
With grant funds from Ecology, the Foster Creek Conservation District is working on a new round of projects to restore the watershed, monitor water quality, and improve soil health near Foster Creek.
Washington’s water supply outlook
Because of a May heatwave, state watersheds lost almost half their snowpack in just 18 days. Now summer river forecasts in some watersheds predict low flows.
Anderson Landfill update: no evidence of contaminated drinking water
Recent data confirms that nearby drinking water and on-site gas emissions do not pose immediate environmental health risks to the public. This is a follow-up to our last update about the landfill.
Environmental Restoration Grants open for 2023

Ecology accepting grant applications for restoration projects.

What you need to know about dust storms in Washington
Dust storms can occur in Central and Eastern Washington every spring through fall. Here are some quick tips to help keep you safe.
We want your input: investigating contamination at the Anderson Landfill in Yakima
We're investigating contamination at the Anderson Landfill. Your feedback is a critical part of the process. Comment on our investigation by March 30, or attend our virtual public meeting on March 15.
Your input matters: addressing contamination at the Yakima Training Center
We issued a draft enforcement order requiring the U.S. Army to thoroughly address contamination at the Yakima Training Center. We want your feedback on the documents guiding the cleanup process.
Expedited rulemaking to amend state SEPA rules
We are amending state SEPA rules to increase the exemption levels local governments can incorporate into their policies and procedures for apartments, small houses, and attached homes.
No dioxin found in Lower Yakima Valley groundwater
After two years of testing drinking water wells in the Lower Yakima Valley, Ecology has found no evidence of dioxin contamination. Our results provide reassuring data about drinking water safety.