We are streamlining how we post water right documents and decisions. Our new online portal has most documents in one location for each of our four regions – Northwest, Southwest, Central, and Eastern.
Each new page shows:
- Recently accepted water right applications, both for new rights and changes
- Draft and final water right decisions
- Trust water right applications and decisions
In addition to a posting page, and a comment form, each region has an email sign up list – to receive notice when a document is posted on the region page.
Documents are posted as required by law or for increased transparency. Water right applications are posted for awareness, draft decisions are posted for review and public comment, and final decisions are posted for an appeal period. A link to the recently updated Environmental & Land Use Hearings Office website is provided when a decision may be appealable.
Making improvements
Previously, applications were on a separate webpage and required an extra browser plug-in to view. With this update, applications for a water right – either for a new water right, or a change – are posted for 30 days on the page for the region where the use would occur. Water right applicants also post the official notice – a notice of application -- in the local newspapers per appropriation procedure in the Water Code (RCW 90.03.280).
Creating this portal has a key benefit -- it simplifies the user experience and workflow for us. We can quickly post documents as they are entered into the record system, and users can then electronically access all the information they need. Users can also subscribe to receive an email notice each time the portal for your region is updated.
In 2021 we updated and shared the Water Rights Search tool – this is still the way to find water right records. This web-based interface provides transparency into how Ecology collects, stores, and maintains water right information. Users can access Ecology records, such as change and transfer decisions, as they are updated in real time.
Getting started
Visit the newly updated water right posting page on Ecology’s website. From there, you choose the region(s) you are interested in.
Each posting page has:
- A comment form, associated with documents that are open for comment
- A quick description for the type of document
- A link to sign up for email notice – (subscribe to receive a notification when a document is posted on the region page. You can sign up to receive emails instantly, daily, or weekly.)
If a comment form is linked in the row, then that document is open for comment. You can use the electronic comment form to send information straight to the regional staff who are processing those water right records.
Sign up for notifications
Want to receive notice when a new document is posted? Now you can! Sign up to receive email updates associated with your region(s) of interest. Visit the region posting page for the associated sign-up link.