
We are responsible for monitoring water supply and drought conditions and taking action when drought conditions exist or are anticipated.
We are responsible for monitoring water supply and drought conditions and taking action when drought conditions exist or are anticipated.

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51 results.

Olympic Peninsula classified as being in severe drought by federal drought monitor

In response to current conditions, some communities and water systems on the peninsula have already begun anticipating low water supply.

Water conservation, storage & climate change in the Yakima River Basin
Changing climate patterns are prompting water managers to look at conservation and storage in new ways to use every drop wisely in the Yakima River Basin.
Washington’s water supply outlook
Because of a May heatwave, state watersheds lost almost half their snowpack in just 18 days. Now summer river forecasts in some watersheds predict low flows.
Preventing a Dust Bowl in Washington
Dust storms are a threat in Eastern Washington. Learn what we're doing to protect soils and human health.
Wait, how can there be a drought when it’s raining?
Residents of Spokane and the southeast experienced a relatively damp spring, while much of Western and Central Washington have seen warmer than normal temperatures and low precipitation since April.
Watching the water supply

Months of unusually warm and dry weather continue to put pressure on the state’s rivers and streams.

Washington’s water supply outlook
Snowpack is up and streamflows are down. The cold and dry conditions of early spring had some surprising impacts on Washington’s water supply outlook, but warm weather is on the way.
Watching the water supply update

70 percent of the state is abnormally dry, according to the U.S. Drought Monitor.

What a difference a year makes
“All in all, water conditions are looking pretty good around the state,” said Jeff Marti, Ecology’s water resources planner
Why is this drought so wet?
Higher than normal snowpack and one of the wettest springs in recent memory may lead to questions about the current drought declaration. We have answers.

Showing 31 - 40 of 51 results.