Climate change

Climate change poses a threat to Washington's water supplies, coastlines, farms and forests. Ecology is working to reduce the carbon pollution that is causing climate change.
Climate change poses a threat to Washington's water supplies, coastlines, farms and forests. Ecology is working to reduce the carbon pollution that is causing climate change.

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Tacoma Smelter Plume
In 2020, we plan on replacing soil in 58 yards in the Yard Program service area. In January we started on a group of six yards and three childcares.
Our role in finding chemicals in Puget Sound
We are contributing National Estuary Program funding in a new partnership with UW Tacoma researchers to learn more about pollution in the Puget Sound.
What do you do when the polluter is a mountain?
For decades, a slow-moving landslide has been exposing the side of Sumas Mountain. The landslide material contains naturally-occurring asbestos and heavy metals — and it all ends up in Swift Creek.
Wait, how can there be a drought when it’s raining?
Residents of Spokane and the southeast experienced a relatively damp spring, while much of Western and Central Washington have seen warmer than normal temperatures and low precipitation since April.
Water today — water for the next hundred years
Water stresses from population growth and increasing uncertainty from climate change will test the state's ability to manage this precious, limited resource.
Watching the water supply

Months of unusually warm and dry weather continue to put pressure on the state’s rivers and streams.

New law improves capabilities for drought response and preparedness
The new drought law outlines a framework to build long-term drought resiliency, while improving the state’s ability to quickly and effectively respond to drought emergencies.
Product Replacement Program helps businesses tackle toxics
Last year, Ecology’s Product Replacement Program helped more than 30 dry cleaners transition to safer cleaning methods. Now, we’re determining which toxic chemical we should help replace next.
Safer Choice: Because you shouldn’t need a PhD to know what’s safe
You shouldn’t need a PhD in toxicology to buy cleaning products. But long, confusing ingredient lists on common household products leave most consumers wondering what is safe to use in their homes.
Siete pasos para disminuir la propagación de COVID-19 en su casa o negocio
Para preservar su seguridad mientras desinfecta su hogar o negocio, siga estos pasos.