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74 results.
Local video highlights 'soft' shoreline stabilization approaches
Shoreline stabilization video highlighting approaches property owners can use to protect shorelines while also promoting a healthy ecosystem.
Marine spatial plan adopted to protect our coastal resources
The state worked closely with numerous partners to develop the marine spatial plan which contains policies to protect sensitive ecological areas and fisheries.
Ecology opposes federal proposal to allow offshore drilling on Washington’s coast
Ecology Director Bellon submitted a letter to the U.S. Interior Secretary opposing a federal proposal to allow offshore oil and natural gas leasing on WA's outer continental shelf.
Everett area could get nearly $4 million for habitat restoration
A proposed settlement could provide nearly $4 million to fund restoration sites in Port Gardner Bay and the Snohomish River that were damaged by industrial pollution.
Help chart the future of the Pacific coast
Ecology is taking public comments on the state's proposed Marine Spatial Plan and draft Environmental Impact Statement until Dec. 12, 2017.
Protecting shorelines for public and environmental benefits
This week, Ecology formally revised the state procedural rules for managing marine and freshwater shorelines.
Ecology has received a new request to use Imidacloprid to control burrowing shrimp
We are evaluating an application requesting permission to use the pesticide Imidacloprid to control burrowing shrimp in Willapa Bay and Grays Harbor.
A foot of water can make or break a King Tide
Help scientists track and document King Tides this year! The King Tides Photo Initiative is aimed at getting people to take and share photographs during unusually high tides.
King Tides: A glimpse into tomorrow, a photo challenge today
Grounded at Ocean Shores: Ecology’s response to the Tamara
Details on the grounding and recovery of the fishing vessel Tamara.