Water resources

We manage the state's water supply to meet the needs of people and the natural environment, in partnership with Washington communities. Water availability is increasingly limited in Washington.
We manage the state's water supply to meet the needs of people and the natural environment, in partnership with Washington communities. Water availability is increasingly limited in Washington.

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105 results.

Water conservation, storage & climate change in the Yakima River Basin
Changing climate patterns are prompting water managers to look at conservation and storage in new ways to use every drop wisely in the Yakima River Basin.
Washington’s water supply outlook
Because of a May heatwave, state watersheds lost almost half their snowpack in just 18 days. Now summer river forecasts in some watersheds predict low flows.
Water Law 101 Episode 2
Hydrogeologist Mike Gallagher explains why the process of getting a water right can be so daunting to many applicants
Up To $40 million available for streamflow restoration projects
We plan to award $40 million in grants for streamflow restoration projects
Wait, how can there be a drought when it’s raining?
Residents of Spokane and the southeast experienced a relatively damp spring, while much of Western and Central Washington have seen warmer than normal temperatures and low precipitation since April.
Water today — water for the next hundred years
Water stresses from population growth and increasing uncertainty from climate change will test the state's ability to manage this precious, limited resource.
Watching the water supply

Months of unusually warm and dry weather continue to put pressure on the state’s rivers and streams.

New law improves capabilities for drought response and preparedness
The new drought law outlines a framework to build long-term drought resiliency, while improving the state’s ability to quickly and effectively respond to drought emergencies.
Next steps in managing water rights
In 2019, the Legislature asked us to identify areas that were our highest priorities for future adjudications. We identified two watersheds in immediate need of adjudication.
It’s World Wetlands Day!
Feb. 2 is World Wetlands Day, and we are celebrating the work our agency has done to support the conservation and restoration of Washington state’s wetlands.