
We manage grants and loans that benefit the health of Washington's land, air, and water.
We manage grants and loans that benefit the health of Washington's land, air, and water.

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52 results.

Washington state to receive $74.4 million in coastal and climate resilience funding
New funding from NOAA will invest $74.4 million across 14 projects in Washington state to enhance natural protections, create jobs, and support healthy environments.
Environmental Restoration Grants open for 2023

Ecology accepting grant applications for restoration projects.

Get ready to apply for a Public Participation Grant
Have an idea for reducing waste or pollution in your neighborhood? A new application round of Public Participation Grants is about to begin! Grants are worth up to $60,000 a year for up to two years.
Ecology gets six federal grants to protect 855 acres of coastal wetlands
We've secured close to $6 million in National Coastal Wetlands Conservation Grants to protect about 855 acres of coastal wetland habitat.
Newest round of clean-water funding focuses on small communities
Our latest round of funding for clean water projects will provide more than $300 million to communities.
Ilwaco’s Bear Ridge Community Forest becomes a reality
With $500,000 from Ecology, and the support of other groups, Ilwaco's drinking water source is now protected for the future.
Ecology grant brings big changes to Little Naches River
An Ecology Streamflow Restoration Grant is helping restore habitat and recreational opportunities to the Little Naches River.
Clean water projects get a boost from the other Washington
We're awarding $317 million in grants and loans for 124 high-priority clean water projects across the state.
Colville River Valley community helps make wood stove turn-in a success

Thanks to our wood stove reduction program, 141 old wood stoves were decommissioned at the Stevens County Landfill on Sunday, May 24, 2022.

Environmental restoration grants reach across state
We are awarding nearly $640,000 to fund 15 projects that will significantly improve water quality and the environment statewide.

Showing 11 - 20 of 52 results.