Cleaning up

In Washington, we've identified over 13,000 contaminated sites in need of cleanup and over 7,000 of those sites have been cleaned up using Washington State’s environmental cleanup law — the Model Toxics Control Act.
In Washington, we've identified over 13,000 contaminated sites in need of cleanup and over 7,000 of those sites have been cleaned up using Washington State’s environmental cleanup law — the Model Toxics Control Act.

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92 results.

Cleaning up: Studies of Treoil site now available for comment

We’ve completed our studies of the remaining contamination at the Treoil Industries site and the options for cleaning it up, and we invite your comments.

Western Port Angeles Harbor cleanup is moving forward

We are holding a comment period and public meeting for the Western Port Angeles Harbor cleanup site in Port Angeles.

Según las muestras, la reciente contaminación ya no se está propagando al agua subterránea en el vertedero de Pasco

Según las muestras recientes de vapor del suelo, la contaminación del agua subterránea no está afectando a la calidad del aire en los edificios del vertedero de Pasco.

Samples indicate recent contamination is no longer spreading to groundwater at Pasco Landfill

Recent soil vapor samples indicate groundwater contamination isn't affecting air quality in buildings by the Pasco Landfill. 

Las brigadas de limpieza trabajan rápidamente para abordar la reciente contaminación de agua subterránea de Pasco Landfill

Hasta el 20 de enero, invitamos a sus comentarios sobre una orden legal para abordar la contaminación del agua subterránea del Vertedero de Pasco.

Cleanup crews working quickly to address recent groundwater contamination from Pasco Landfill

Through Jan. 20, we invite your input on a legal order to address groundwater contamination from the Pasco Landfill that happened when chemicals being removed from soil weren’t fully captured.

Kaiser Aluminum combatting legacy contamination with UV light

In June, Kaiser Aluminum started up a full-scale pump-and-treat system that treats 200 gallons of groundwater per minute and destroys up to 99% of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in water.

Rod Hankinson: Washington’s environmental hero and youth mentor for over 30 years

Learn more about Rod Hankinson's praiseworthy career managing our Youth Corps Litter Crew.

Cleaning up: Fieldwork starting in the Duwamish Waterway Park

Fieldwork to answer questions about the type and extent of contamination at Seattle's Duwamish Waterway Park slated for November

Cleaning up: Join the conversation on the Boeing Isaacson Thompson cleanup site

The Boeing Isaacson Thompson site is undergoing significant remediation as part of the broader Lower Duwamish Waterway cleanup initiative.