Shellfish aquaculture 401 certification
In 2020, there were two changes that directly affected shellfish aquaculture in the state of Washington, brought about by two different federal actions:
- A June 2020 federal court decision affected commercial shellfish growers in the state of Washington by requiring individual aquaculture permits from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps).
- A new EPA rule that modified the permitting process for Section 401 water quality certifications. This has since been replaced with the 2023 EPA rule, however many of the requirements and changes made to our program have remained the same.
We have had to modify our Section 401 water quality certification (WQC) request and review processes to accommodate these federal actions, and coordinate with federal agencies whose processes were affected by the federal lawsuit and EPA rule. This page was created to assist commercial shellfish farmers in completing the required steps to obtain appropriate authorizations to continue operations.
A new normal
Because of requirements mandated by a court ruling that vacated the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ (Corps) Nationwide Permit 48 (NWP 48) in Washington state and an a new EPA Section 401 rule, we had to quickly adapt our processes to meet these new requirements and prescribed timelines.
NWP 48 previously authorized most commercial shellfish farms in the state of Washington. Because the NWP 48 general permit is no longer available from the Corps, the Corps must permit all shellfish farms individually in Washington. This individual Corps permit may require Section 401 water quality certification (WQC) from Ecology, depending on the type of operation and farming activities.
We have heard frustration from the shellfish aquaculture community and their representatives how the court decision and the requirements of the EPA rule are affecting their operations. We are working quickly to address these concerns — including hiring new staff and streamlining our processes to meet this demand.
We appreciate your input and patience as we are still learning how these processes affect the permit coordination and review between us, the Corps, and commercial shellfish farmers. This page outlines the application process as it now stands. To help applicants understand the process, we have prepared in-depth information about what caused all of these changes, along with the following instructions.
Getting started
The Section 401 water quality certification process for shellfish growers. Click the image to enlarge or download a PDF of this graphic.
The Corps will review these applications and make a determination to authorize a shellfish operation under:
- Section 10 of the River and Harbors Act through a Letter of Permission (LOP), or
- Section 404 of the Clean Water Act through an individual permit.
Either of these permit paths can require an individual WQC from us.
We are working closely with the Corps to develop a streamlined process to identify whether a commercial shellfish operation will need a WQC. Under this streamlined process, growers must work directly with both the Corps and Ecology. We have created a flowchart to help you visualize this process (see graphic on right).
Under this streamlined process, commercial shellfish operators will contact the Corps to begin their application process.
Pre-filing meeting request
Because a WQC may be required, commercial shellfish growers should submit a pre-filing meeting request with Ecology as soon as practicable. The pre-filing meeting request must be submitted at least 30 days prior to a WQC request.
To avoid unnecessary delays, we strongly recommend applicants submit a pre-filing meeting request form around the same time as their initial application with the Corps, even if they anticipate operating under an LOP. That way the 30-day waiting period is started and out of the way.
We will send an acknowledgment that we have received a pre-filing meeting request within 7-10 days after receipt. We will let commercial shellfish farms know when we received their WQC request, identify an agency manager for the project, and when the pre-filing waiting period will be met. If you do not receive an acknowledgment email, please contact our team at or call 360-407-6076.
What happens during the waiting period
- We will review the submitted information and coordinate with the Corps.
- Our project manager will contact the commercial shellfish farmer to start the conversation about what information and supporting documents may be needed, and the next steps.
- We will notify shellfish grower and the Corps if a WQC and Coastal Zone Management (CZM) federal consistency is needed.
Pre-filing meeting
We will hold a pre-filing meeting with applicants on a case-by-case basis to review their project, discuss the type of shellfish aquaculture operation to be certified, and the required supporting documents that need to be submitted for a valid application, if an individual WQC is needed.
Certain types of operations may not need to continue the WQC process if we determine the specific operation does not meet the requirements of the EPA rule. If no certification is needed, we will notify the Corps and shellfish grower. If the shellfish grower is notified that an individual WQC is required, please submit a complete WQC request, by following the directions below.
Agency request for comments
As part of the Corps’ LOP process, they will send out an Agency Request for Comments (ARC) to various agencies such as Ecology as well as other federal and state and agencies. The Corps will also coordinate with area tribal governments regarding the permit for a commercial shellfish operation. As part of the ARC process, Ecology will notify the Corps and the shellfish grower whether an individual WQC and/or CZM federal consistency decision is required.
- If Ecology determines that no WQC is needed, the applicant and the Corps can proceed to complete the permitting process for the LOP.
- If a WQC is needed, the applicant must follow the instructions below.
Applying for individual Section 401 water quality certification for commercial shellfish aquaculture operations
If a shellfish grower has not already submitted a pre-filing meeting request, follow the instructions above to start the process. A WQC application can only be submitted after the commercial shellfish grower has submitted their pre-filing meeting request with Ecology.
Starting your request
- Complete a WQC request form. If you need help completing the form and supporting documentation, please contact us at
- Prepare supporting documents. We will need specific information from shellfish growers to process your request. Growers will work with their Ecology project manager to identify the required documents. However, you must submit a copy of your federal application package with your request.
- Prepare information regarding water quality monitoring. The EPA rule now requires that a WQC request contain the methods and means for monitoring the discharges associated with the activities triggering a water quality certification. Growers will need to submit information showing how they will be monitoring water quality during farm operations.
- Prepare your Coastal Zone Management (CZM) federal consistency form.
- The Corps will request a CZM form from the commercial shellfish grower as part of the Corps’ permit application. If CZM federal consistency is required, the Corps will forward that form to Ecology for a decision.
- Other authorizations may be needed, but do not have to be submitted to Ecology with your application, unless requested. This may include:
- State and local government permits or permissions relevant to your shellfish operation. (e.g., state Department of Health shellfish license, state Department of Natural Resources aquatic lands lease, local government shoreline permits, etc.)
Submitting your request for a Section 401 water quality certification
After the pre-filing meeting waiting period, applicants can submit their WQC request form and supporting documents to
- We recommending adding a “Cc:” to the email being sent to Ecology with the Corps' email address,
WQC request review
After we have received a request, we will evaluate the submitted information and notify the shellfish grower whether we consider their application to be complete.
Complete applications must contain the information identified on the WQC request form and any additional information identified by the project manager during the PFMR period. We will notify the grower and the Corps if a request is incomplete and what information or documentation is needed.
If a request is considered to be complete, we will notify both the Corps and the grower. At that time, the reasonable period of time for Ecology to review and issue a decision begins. A public notice will be issued either by Ecology, or a joint public notice will be issued by the Corps.
Public notice
The public has an opportunity to review and comment on all requests for a individual Section 401 water quality certification and CZM Federal Consistency requests. An Ecology-issued public comment period will be open for 21 days. A joint public comment period will be open for 15 to 30 days.
Approval, denial, or applying conditions to an application
Under Ecology's Section 401 certification authority, we can grant, grant with conditions, or deny a request. If conditions are required for approval, those conditions become part of the permit issued by the Corps.
If a request is denied, the applicant must restart the request process with a new pre-filing meeting request and WQC request. If your request was denied, we recommend that you do not start a new request until you have resolved the basis for the denial.
If we do not issue a decision within the reasonable period of time at the time the request was determined complete, and no official time extension has been granted by the Corps, this constitutes a waiver of Ecology's Section 401 water quality authority and the Corps can issue its permit.
All Section 401 water quality certification decisions can be appealed by the shellfish grower or by any third party to the state Pollution Control Hearings Board. The appeal window is open 30 days from the date of Ecology’s decision.
How we got here
September 2020 EPA Section 401 rule change
The EPA published a formal rule change in the Federal Register on July 13, 2020. This rule became effective on Sept. 11, 2020, changing both the application process and timelines allowed for Section 401 water quality certifications. Before the rule change, we had three different processes for Section 401 certifications, depending on the type of project and federal agency involved. Now, all applications must follow the steps outlined on our Section 401 Water quality certification webpage in order to comply with EPA's latest requirements.