Research & Data

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Ecology provides the high-quality science that is the foundation of Washington state environmental policy. Our monitoring, assessment, and modeling services provide a data-rich understanding of our state’s land, air, and water. We provide access to that data through reports, databases, maps and user-friendly online tools.

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Research & Data

Use this portal to filter and search for all of our scientific information.

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Ecology provides the high-quality science that is the foundation of Washington state environmental policy. Our monitoring, assessment, and modeling services provide a data-rich understanding of our state’s land, air, and water. We provide access to that data through reports, databases, maps and user-friendly online tools.

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Focus on: Climate change and health equity
A joint Ecology and Health focus sheet exploring the health and community impacts of climate change.
Monitoring Ozone Air Pollution in Quincy
Information about Monitoring for Ozone Air Pollution in Quincy, 1/30/12
2012 - 2016 Washington Greenhouse Gas Reported Emissions
The Washington Mandatory Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program - Reported Emissions for 2012 - 2016
Infrastructure State Implementation Plan for 1997 Ozone Standard
State Implementation Plan Certification for the 1997 8-Hour Ozone Standard
2012-2016 Washington's Mandatory Greenhouse Gas Reported Emissions
This report shows greenhouse gas emissions reported to us under the state mandatory reporting program.
Technical support document for air quality general order for dairy manure anaerobic digesters
This is the technical support document for the air quality general order for dairy manure anaerobic digesters.
Air quality general order for dairy manure anaerobic digesters
This is the air quality general order for dairy manure anaerobic digesters.
2012-2014 Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington - Chart of Changes
Chart of Changes between the 2012 and 2014 SWMMWW
2012 Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington revision response to comments
Response to Comments on the Draft 2012 SWMMWW
July 16, 2012: Ecology's approach to fish consumption standards in Washington state
Former Ecology Director Ted Sturdevant's 2012 transmittal letter announcing Ecology's approach to fish consumption standards in Washington state.
August 30, 2012: Fish consumption rates technical support document [draft Version 2]
Former Ecology Director Ted Sturdevant's 2012 transmittal letter announcing release of fish consumption rates technical support document [draft Version 2.0].
2012 to 2014 Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington Redlines
2012 to 2014 SWMMWW track changes with redlines
Received through October 26, 2012: Comments on Ecology's Fish Consumption Rates Technical Support Document (draft Version 2.0)
Comments received through October 26, 2012, on Ecology's Fish Consumption Rates Technical Support Document (draft Version 2.0).
November 5, 2012: Fish Consumption Technical Review Meeting
Meeting summary from Nov. 5, 2012, technical review panel meeting to discuss the revised version of the Fish Consumption Technical Report V.2, hosted by Washington State Department of Ecology.
November 27, 2012: Fish Consumption Technical Review Meeting
Meeting summary from Nov. 27, 2012, technical review panel meeting to discuss the revised version of the Fish Consumption Technical Report V.2, hosted by Washington State Department of Ecology.
Vantage Data Center - Health Impact Assessment Recommendation
Health Impact Assessment (Second Tier Review) Recommendation, 11/30/12
Vantage Notice of Construction Revised Tier 2
This is the Vantage Data Center's revised final 2012 Notice of Construction support document for Tier 2 review.
Vantage Data Center - Technical Support Document for Health Impact Assessment
Risk Analysis Technical Support Document for Health Impact Assessment (Second Tier Review) for Vantage Data Center, 11/28/12
Vantage 2012 Notice of Construction Appendices
This document contains all the appendices for Vantage Data Center's notice of construction application from 2012.
2012 Annual Report from WMMFA
This annual E-Cycle Washington report indicates the total CEPs collected in 2012 and the year to date total of CEPs collected. Additionally, this report breaks down the pounds collected by county and product type.
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