Green chemistry in higher education
We help professors and academic departments integrate green chemistry concepts into their curriculum and research. We help students understand how green chemistry might apply to their field of study. Green chemistry’s value goes beyond chemistry programs — students in business, environmental science, public health, and other disciplines will also benefit from understanding green chemistry concepts.
Students in a range of disciplines—from public health to product manufacturing—can benefit from learning to apply green chemistry to their work.
Including green chemistry in higher education
Our goals are to:
- Provide resources for educators to meet the ACS bachelor’s degree program requirements to provide students with a working knowledge of green chemistry.
- Help educators replace traditional lab chemicals with safer alternatives and develop new experiments that illustrate green chemistry concepts.
- Provide information on conferences, resources, and events for students and professors.
- Share stories and examples of green chemistry careers in Washington.
- Work with industry to show the value of recruiting job applicants and interns with green chemistry education.
Resources for faculty and students
Need help?
We collaborate with faculty and partners including Beyond Benign and the American Chemical Society Green Chemistry Institute to provide opportunities for faculty and students. For a list of current trainings and events, or get help to incorporate green chemistry into your curriculum, contact our Safer Chemicals teams.
Related links
Contact information
Safer Chemicals Team