Island County shoreline master program: periodic review

Island County’s comprehensive update to their SMP went into effect in 2016. The proposed amendment is necessary to comply with the statutory deadline for a periodic review of the Island County SMP pursuant to RCW 90.58.080(4).

Island County and Ecology previously received public comments through a joint public comment period that ran from March 26 – April 25, 2021 on a draft amendment to Island County’s SMP. Those proposed changes aimed to bring the County’s SMP into compliance with requirements of the Shoreline Management Act (SMA) and state rules, ensure consistency with Island County’s Comprehensive Plan and development regulations, and reflect changes in local circumstances, new information, and improved data. We provided initial determination of consistency on December 17, 2021.

Since we issued the initial determination, Island County has made additional changes to their proposed amendment. Those changes require an additional state public comment period, pursuant to WAC 173-26-100.

The key changes since initial determination include:

  • Reformats the SMP throughout to improve the user's experience. Formatting changes include updated citations, relocation of sections and figures.
  • Revises language throughout the SMP to correct grammar or improve clarity. Revisions included removal of redundancies, including definitions from other sections of the Island County Code.
  • Removes the list of lakes that qualify as shorelines of the state.
  • Adds and revises definitions.
  • Makes changes to Table 1, Shoreline Use Classification Table and associated footnotes.
  • Creates separate sections for critical areas, ICC 17.05A.090.E-G. Adjusted the buffer widths for Type-Np streams to harmonize the SMP and Critical Areas Ordinance requirements.
  • Requires all developments proposed in the shoreline buffer or shoreline setback must demonstrate consistency with the requirements of the SMP through preparation of professional reports (geotechnical/geocoastal/biological site assessment).
  • Creates new section, 17.05A.095 - Shoreline Reports, to combine all information regarding shoreline reports into one section. This section includes requirements for Biological Site Assessments, Habitat Management Plans, Geocoastal Analysis, Demonstration of Need, and Alternatives Analysis.
  • Revises and rearranges the shoreline stabilization modification requirements of ICC 17.05A.110.A.
  • Revises and rearranges the grading and filling modification requirements of ICC 17.05A.110.D.
  • Changes to the Shoreline Environment Designation reflected on the Official Shoreline Map for the Surfcrest Drive, Cedar Street, and Mutiny Bay.  

Island County locally adopted this amendment on August 13, 2024, and submitted it to us on August 26, 2024. We determined their submittal to be complete on October 30, 2024.

Following the comment period, we will compare Island County’s proposed amendment to the requirements of the Shoreline Management Act, Shoreline Master Program Guidelines and our initial determination. Based on the comparison, we will decide whether to:

  • Approve the program as is.
  • Approve with recommended changes.
  • Send the proposed program back to Island County with required changes to meet statutory and rule requirements. Recommended changes may also be included with the required changes.

Public comment period

Opens: March 1, 2025
Closes: March 31, 2025, at 5 p.m.

We invite all interested parties to provide comment during this public comment period. You may provide comments in several ways. You only need to submit your comments once.

Submit written comments and questions to:

Stephanie Barney
Washington Department of Ecology
Bellingham Field Office
913 Squalicum Way #101
Bellingham, WA 98225

We must receive comments no later than March 31, 2025, at 5 p.m.

Documents for public review and comment

Note: all documents are PDF

If copies are needed for review, please contact Stephanie Barney.

Next steps: response to public comment and decision

We will post a summary of comments here a few weeks after the comment period closes. We will also post the County's response to comments and a notice of our decision when they become available. Please check back.